Mongolia and China have obvious complementary mineral resources

Deputy Director General of China Metallurgical Geology 琚 Yi too analyzed the investment policy of Mongolia. He pointed out that Mongolia is rich in mineral resources and has proven more than 80 kinds of minerals and more than 6,000 ore mines, mainly including coal, copper, gold, lead, zinc, uranium, fluorite, tungsten, graphite and phosphorus. Among them: copper, fluorite, phosphorus, coal and other mineral resources proven reserves in the world. Many mines are the strategic shortages in our country with obvious complementary advantages.
Mongolia has obvious advantages as a destination country for going abroad. The economic corridor between China, Mongolia and Russia is formed around the major routes along the border between China, Mongolia, China, Russia and Mongolia as one of the multilateral economic cooperation corridors along the "Belt and Road". It is also in line with the "steppe road" initiative of Mongolia and the cross-Eurasia Grand Cross Construction of an effective docking. In 2016, the heads of state of China, Mongolia and Russia signed the Outline for Planning the Building of China-Mongolia Economic Corridor in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, marking the formal implementation of the corridor of China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor as the first multilateral economic cooperation road along the "Belt and Road". Mineral energy cooperation is one of the key elements of the plan.
In the past two years, the government of Mongolia has introduced measures to encourage foreign investment, such as open registration of mineral rights, permission of mineral rights transactions, extension of the duration of prospecting warrants, etc., and will allow the exploration area to increase from 10% to 20% of land area and relax foreign labor Personnel qualifications, etc., so that foreign investors regain confidence to attract foreign investment, as early as possible out of the economic difficulties.
Mongolia's mining investment risk:
One of the risks: changing legal policies. Mongolia's law and policy are revised frequently and investors are at a loss; multi-party state, four-year general election, the interests of the game, the balance of frequent; mining occupies an important position, the formation of each new government, focusing on the introduction of different mining policies; investors on Mongolian law And policy persistence loss of confidence.
Risks 2: Labor policy tightening, staff costs rise. The restrictions on the number of foreign labor service personnel make it hard for foreign technicians to enter the country. The labor procedures are complicated and the handling is more difficult, resulting in lower work efficiency. The country's minimum wage is rising year by year, resulting in high operating costs of mining.
Kyrgyzstan: Potential Investment in Mining in the Core Belt and Road Region
Kyrgyzstan's main minerals are gold, silver, antimony, tungsten, tin, zinc, copper, lead and rare metals. More than 700 tons of proven gold reserves, 500,000 tons of antimony, more than 200,000 tons of tin metal, 386,000 tons of tungsten ore. At present, it has been found that there are nearly 2,000 gold deposits and mineralization sites in the country with an estimated resource of 3,000-4,000 tons. Kyrgyzstan knows more than 1,000 copper deposits (points), mostly copper-gold deposits, and proven copper Metal reserves 2.5 million tons, a great prospect of exploration and development.
Mining economy is one of Kyrgyzstan's main economic sources. The Kyrgyz government has formulated the development plan for the mining industry from 2015 to 2035 and regulated the management of mineral resources development. Foreign investors are encouraged to participate in exploration and development of mineral resources. Foreign investors are allowed to cooperate with Kyrgyzstan in the exploration and exploitation of joint ventures. Foreign companies are also allowed to engage solely in the research, exploration and exploitation of mineral resources (other than gold mines) and to protect them by legislation. Laws related to the development of mineral resources Kyrgyzstan "Underground Resources Law" "Investment Law" "Labor Law" "Underground Resources License Regulations" and so on.