Jiangxi will introduce environmental protection tax next year

Recently, after the 36th meeting of the 12th NPC Standing Committee of Jiangxi Province passed the vote, the scheme for levying an environmental protection tax and the applicable tax amount and the number of taxable pollutant items to be levied by Jiangxi Province on January 1 next year was approved.
According to the introduction of Jiangxi Provincial Department of Finance, the People's Republic of China Environmental Protection Tax Law which will be implemented on January 1 next year will impose environmental protection tax on air pollutants, water pollutants, solid waste and noise. Among them, the tax amount of air pollutants and water pollutants shall be determined by the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) according to the actual measurement within the scope prescribed in the Environmental Protection Tax Law.
According to the program has passed the resolution "of Jiangxi Province applicable tax and taxable pollutant number of programs", Jiangxi Province taxable air pollutants and water pollutants applicable tax, will be based on national environmental protection tax law the minimum amount levied , That is, each pollution equivalent was 1.2 yuan and 1.4 yuan. Other pollutants in accordance with the provisions of environmental protection tax law.
In the meantime, the relevant program also decided that Jiangxi should sort out the taxable atmospheric pollutants for each discharge port or non-discharge port according to descending order of pollutant equivalent, and impose environmental protection tax on the first three pollutants; for each A discharge of taxable water pollutants, according to the relevant provisions of environmental protection tax law, the distinction between the first type of water pollutants and other water pollutants, and sorted by descending order of pollutant equivalents, the first type of water pollution According to the first five items of environmental protection tax levied, other types of water pollutants according to the first three items of environmental protection tax levied.