Zhejiang Mineral Resources Master Plan Database to complete the submission

Recently, Zhejiang Province, the third round of mineral resources master plan database through the Ministry of Land and Resources Information Center review, the completion of the transfer, becoming the first successful completion of the transfer of provincial-level unified mineral resources master plan database.
As early as March this year, "Zhejiang Province, the overall planning of mineral resources (2016-2020)" is also the first country approved by the Ministry of Land and Resources. The submission of the database marked the completion of the third round of overall planning of mineral resources in Zhejiang Province and accumulated experience for the future work of the Ministry of Land and Resources for the joint exchange of foreign exchange.

Planning database is the basic database of mineral resources management. It is an important part of the core database of "one map" of land resources. It plays a fundamental role in the approval of mining rights and the supervision of mineral resources development and utilization. In the preparation of mineral resources planning at the same time, Zhejiang Provincial Land and Resources Department conscientiously implement the "mineral resources planning database standards (Trial)" and other technical specifications, co-ordinate planning, early deployment, standardized advancement, commissioned in Zhejiang Province to accept the transfer of provincial planning database Construction work, at the same time co-ordinate and guide the city-level mineral resources planning database construction work to ensure the smooth progress of the construction of the reservoir and the convergence of upper and lower levels of planning data. After several times of city-level database approval, review and acceptance, strict control of data quality, and ultimately reached the acceptance requirements of the Ministry of Land and Resources, the successful completion of the exchange.