China and ASEAN Countries Power Cooperation Opens

1.3 million kilowatts of supercritical thermal power generating units, 77 kilowatts hydro-generating units, 300,000 kilowatts of pumped storage units, AC1000 kV transformers, DC800 kilovolt smoothing reactors ... ... Power experts interviewed by reporters interviewed these electrical equipment The production capacity and product quality, said China's power industry technology has been in a leading position in the world.
Electricity is an important driving force and strong support to the economic development of the sea. Since the establishment of Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone, a core area of ​​China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, Guangxi Company of China Southern Power Grid pioneered the construction and development of Guangxi Beibu Gulf Power Grid. It has continuously increased investment for many years and endeavored to weave a series of products that extend from "artery" to "capillary "Guangxi Beibu Gulf large power grid, power grid, Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone to speed up the development provided a strong power security. Among them, in 2016, there were 5 new substations of 110kV and above in the Beibuwan Bay area of ​​Guangxi Province, with an additional capacity of 900,000 kVA and 110kV and above. The length of the line is 301 kilometers.
Today, the region has become an area frequently referred to by the China-ASEAN Expo Forum on Electricity Cooperation and Development. Many delegates have visited the region for inspection. Nguyen Thompson, vice chairman of Vietnam's New Energy Association, was the technology leader in China that introduced power companies in China only after he had a deep understanding of the capabilities of Chinese power companies in several consecutive forums.
Strong Chinese investment in electricity capacity and potential ASEAN power demand form a positive interaction. According to statistics from China Electricity Council, in 2016, China's major power companies actually completed 7 785 million U.S. dollars of foreign investment, an increase of 168% over the same period of the previous year; 65 were foreign investment projects, of which 37 were over 30 million U.S. dollars, covering hydropower, thermal power, Nuclear power, wind power, power transmission and other fields. As of the end of 2016, the total investment by major power companies in China totaled over 39 billion U.S. dollars. In the same year, China's major power enterprises exported a total amount of 3.9 billion U.S. dollars in equipment and technology, and signed a contract of 48.8 billion U.S. dollars in new contracts with foreign countries. There are currently 1,691 projects under construction with a total contract value of 161 billion U.S. dollars.
The power cooperation between China and ASEAN countries has achieved remarkable results. In 2016, the actual amount of investment (30 million U.S. dollars and above items) invested by the major Chinese power companies in the 10 ASEAN countries was 1.48 billion U.S. dollars and that of the newly signed contract projects of more than 30 million U.S. dollars was 2.4 billion U.S. dollars.
In October 2016, China Southern Power Grid Corporation and Royal Cambodian Group signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation and Investment in Cambodia's Power Grid. China's State Grid Corporation of Laos 230,000-volt Pakistan-Paidong transmission project to start full power transmission, Burma, North Kachin State 230,000 kilowatts and backbone network project procurement in an orderly manner. In May 2017, Xuji Group acquired the 47.48% stake in Vietnam Northern Electric Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., becoming the largest shareholder.
In November 2015, China Southern Power Grid International Co., Ltd. and Laos National Electric Power Corporation jointly invested in the construction of 168,000-kilowatt Laos Nanta River Hydroelectric Power Station No. 1, which will greatly improve the northern Laos power grid structure after being put into operation in April 2018 Power is provided locally and in the northern border of Thailand and Burma.
Not long ago, China Southern Power Grid Company authorized China Southern Power Grid Yunnan International Co., Ltd., Laos National Power Company, Laos Peng Satarai Group, Vietnam Hanoi - Vientiane Power Company in Kunming signed the "China Laos to Vietnam UHV Power Transmission Project Memorandum of understanding. " Three parties and four parties reached an initial agreement. From 2021 to 2025, China sent 5 million kilowatts to 6 million kilowatts of electricity to Vietnam via Laos. This is the first interconnection project of China's power grids across the border of the third country, marking a substantial progress in the interconnection between the China-Laos Power Grid.

Chen Xiongzhang, vice president of Nanning University, believes that major power projects of Chinese power companies have landed in ASEAN, giving ASEAN countries a clear understanding of the comprehensive strength of China's power companies, especially those covering coal power, hydropower, wind power, power grid construction and power equipment manufacturing, etc. Areas such as general contracting of projects, construction - operation - transfer, construction - ownership - operation - transfer, preferential export buyer's credit, seller's credit, etc. can bring about a total of ASEAN countries that lack both capital injection and energy construction Win the opportunity.