Mining Index Fluctuation Rising Stable Growth Insufficient

The global mining index picked up its growth rate and entered a slow recovery phase, releasing its mining vitality gradually. The global mining industry is showing signs of recovery from 2016. After more than a year of adjustment, the global mining industry has not only overall out of the downturn of 2013-2015, but also continues the momentum of the 2016 recovery. In addition, the significant increase in global drilling activity indicates that there is a clear sign of recovery in mining activities.
The price index of minerals rocketed up, and the mining benefit improved significantly. According to the monitoring and tracking research results of China's mineral resources price index, the main mineral product price index started to stabilize and pick up after six months of adjustment, especially the non-energy mineral product price index showed a sharp rebound. The overall recovery of the prices of major mineral products made the total profit of mining industry increase significantly year on year. However, the sharp recovery in mining profits did not completely stimulate market confidence release. It should be noted that the willingness of private-owned mines is still not strong.
The mining industry index showed volatile characteristics, the upward trend of the initial formation. Since the beginning of this year, the mining market in our country has been steadily improving, which is in line with the overall trend of the national economy. At present, China's mining industry continues to be in the period of structural adjustment and optimization and upgrading, and the supply-side structural reform focusing on "three reductions, one reduction and one reduction" has been progressing smoothly. In line with this, China's mining industry index rose modestly with no major shock. Driven by the rising price of mineral products, most of the mineral output has undergone a positive recovery growth. The index of mineral trade shows a downward trend, and the domestic supply has a significant substitution effect on imported mines. In addition, to produce capacity has led to the supply and demand of bulk mineral products in China has changed, there are three main types: First, the basic synchronization of supply and demand growth. For example, coal. Second, demand has increased while supply has been reduced, such as crude oil. Third, the supply growth rate is less than the demand growth rate. For example, iron ore.
The reform of mineral resources management continued to advance, and the activity index of mining rights rebounded.
Since the beginning of this year, the reform of mineral resources management has continued to advance in depth: First, the reform of the mining rights transfer system continued to be promoted; and six pilot provinces, such as Shanxi, piloted in an orderly manner according to the pilot work program. Second, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Land and Resources jointly issued the Interim Measures for the Management of Revenue from the Sale of Mining Rights, and made important progress in the reform of the equity fund system. Thirdly, the system of public announcement of exploration and mining information by the mining rights holders advanced smoothly. Over 25,000 exploration rights and over 70,000 mining rights information have been completed in the country. Fourth, the Ministry of Land and Resources issued the Work Plan for Cleaning Up the Mining Right in Nature Reserves to comprehensively push forward the clean-up of the mining rights in the nature reserve.

According to the monitoring and research results of the index of mining right activity of China Academy of Land and Resources, it shows that the quarterly activity index of prospecting and mining rights in our country has fluctuated downward since the peak in the fourth quarter of 2013, but a significant reversal has occurred since 2017 sign. Excluding individual mineral or provincial factors, the Central Government continued to step up environmental supervision and supervision, and the Ministry of Land and Resources organized the organization to withdraw from the mining rights within the nature reserve. As a result, the overall prospecting market in China remains relatively deserted. The rebound in the active mining rights index was mainly due to the increase in the number of grants for construction of gravel clay mining rights, which is related to the steady rise of the real economy.