China's green building materials industry has shown a good momentum of development

In recent years, China's green building materials industry has been rapid development, has shown a smart, high-end, green development trend. Insiders said that at present, China's green building materials industry significantly accelerated. Building materials industry has the unique advantages of kiln and solid waste ability to absorb the characteristics of expanding environmental protection and recycling industries, building a coupled development of industrial chain, help to promote the building materials industry from production to service-oriented production, and guide the building materials Enterprises from a single building materials production suppliers to the building materials system supply service providers, eco-public product contractors, recycling economy construction and development of industrial chain and regional economic transformation of the characteristics of investment.
With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, living environment and quality have become the focus of attention. Around the tasks of urban infrastructure construction, shantytowns and dilapidated buildings renovation, beautiful and livable rural construction, as well as the improvement of building energy efficiency, through the development of green building materials, "green building materials, intelligent building materials, high-end building materials Standardization of raw materials, serialization, building materials consumption facilitation, traceability ", not only to ensure the quality of construction, but also to promote the upgrading of bulk construction materials, to better respond to people's expectations of a better life.
In addition, green building materials have played an important role in industrial poverty alleviation. 2017 is the year for our country to push itself hard to get rid of poverty and make full use of the characteristics of non-metallic minerals and agricultural and forestry residues according to local conditions to scientifically develop the green and ecological building materials that meet the needs of energy saving, environmental protection, soil remediation, ecological restoration, modern agriculture and local construction Resource advantages for the industrial advantages and economic advantages, can effectively help local governments to achieve precise poverty alleviation, prosperity and enriching the people.

Liu Lihua, vice minister of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, once pointed out at the Green Building Materials Industry Achievement Exhibition that promoting the development of green building materials is not only conducive to the supply-side structural reform of the building materials industry and the steady growth of the industry but also to structural adjustment and transfer, Environment, building an ecological civilization and building a well-off society in an all-round way are of great significance. The development of green building materials is a long way to go, with a bright future. The entire industry should firmly establish the concept of new development, conscientiously adhere to the green development, deepen the reform, strengthen exchanges and cooperation, share the experience and achievements of green building materials development, and promote the green building materials industry to develop faster and better.