State Power Group, the National Offshore Oil Corporation and other central enterprises to obtain a new license

Up to now, the central enterprises reform has made progress. According to statistics from the Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce, 53 applications for registration of name of central SOEs in Beijing have been approved. Three first-tier central SOEs (China Guodian Corporation, China National Offshore Oil Corporation and China National Grain Reserves Management Corporation) and 59 Central SOEs The company has obtained the business license after the restructuring is completed.
Recently, 57 state-owned central enterprises in Beijing are responsible for restructuring staff gathered in Beijing Municipal Government Service Center. Municipal Industry and Commerce Bureau of the restructuring of the central enterprises from the restructuring of the state registration of change policies and regulations, application procedures, material requirements, to the reform process of the common problems one by one interpretation to help the central enterprises to further understand and be familiar with the state-owned enterprises restructuring in accordance with the company law registration Limited liability company or limited company of the specific operation.
"At present, the reform of central SOEs has entered the sprint stage." Municipal Administration of Industry and Commerce said that in order to do a good job in the restructuring of central SOEs, the Beijing Administration of Industry and Commerce set up a special class for the restructuring of central SOEs in August this year, Understand the progress of the central SOEs' restructuring work, focus on the study and resolution of key and difficult issues in phases, clarify common solutions to common problems, and provide targeted "one-on-one" advisory services in light of the difficulties and problems encountered by various enterprises in their restructuring.