Promote the "Belt and Road" energy cooperation to maintain global market stability

"Global oil and gas trade is experiencing profound changes with new features and new trends." At the 6th China International Petroleum Trade Conference held in Shanghai on the 23rd (hereinafter referred to as the "General Assembly" and the abbreviation "CIOGTC"), many participants Insiders emphasize this view from different angles. The promotion of "One Belt and One Road" energy cooperation and the maintenance of global market stability have become the unanimous voice of all participants.
From 2005 to 2015, oil consumption in Asia-Pacific, Africa and the Middle East averaged 2.8%, 2.9% and 3.6% annually, both higher than the global average of 1.2%. The growth rate of natural gas consumption was also significantly higher than the global average "Li Hui, deputy general manager of China National Offshore Oil Corporation, said:" Asia-Pacific has overtaken Europe and the United States as the largest oil and gas consumption center. "
Asia-Pacific oil and gas consumption in the world's rising position, and China's oil and gas market is closely related to the development. Justin van der Spit, president of Capital Energy Limited, believes that China is a dynamic economy with growing demand for crude oil and China is a very important part of the world energy structure. Statistics show that for the first time in the first half of this year, China's crude oil imports surpassed the United States for the first time and became the second largest oil consumer in the world after the United States.
With the "eastward shift" of the international oil and gas consumption center, Chinese enterprises have continuously deepened their international participation and their vitality has been continuously enhanced. Behind this, a series of innovative policy initiatives are undoubtedly the most important motivation.
"The new era should have a new atmosphere as a new act." Vice Minister of Commerce Wang Shouwen pointed out at the conference. He said that according to the Central Government's deployment, the Ministry of Commerce actively promoted the reform of the crude oil import system and initially formed a diversified and competitively ordered crude oil import business system. At present, 17 qualified local refineries have obtained the non-state-owned import of crude oil and Chinese private-owned enterprises have started to become active and important participating forces in the field of international oil trade.

"Energy cooperation under the Belt and Road initiative will be conducive to resource development and energy construction in the countries of the Belt and Road initiative, promote common development among all countries along the line and add new momentum to the world economic recovery and prosperity and sustainable development." The Ministry of Commerce Sun Chenghai, director of the Department of Foreign Trade and Development, stressed: "With the sluggish economic recovery, sluggish international trade and investment and the grim geo-political complexities, all parties should step up their communication and coordination and expand all-round international cooperation so as to jointly safeguard the global energy market safe and stable."