Coal Industry Investment Research Report: China's coal to capacity task will be completed ahead of schedule

1) The 2018 National Coal Trade Conference was held on the 21st with a number of medium and long-term contracts signed by coal suppliers and sellers. The contract volume reached 130 million tons on the first day. 2) The Bohai Rim Thermal Coal Price Index closed at 576 yuan / tonne, A decrease of 1 yuan / ton, the index fell seven consecutive, a total decrease of 10 yuan / ton; 3) Lian Weiliang, deputy director of the National Reform Commission said on November 21 at the end of this year, the number of coal mines nationwide from 2015 to 10,800 further Reduced to around 7000, the task of China's coal to capacity is expected to be completed by 2018, or may be completed ahead of schedule; 4) Shanxi Provincial Department of Land and Resources issued a "coal mining rights in the mining area within the scope of the right to apply for CBM Circular of the Ministry of Finance, and encourages coal enterprises to increase the CBM mining right in the non-overlapping area within the scope of this mining area and make full use of the coal resources of CBM to implement "coal mining integration".
Price: Bohai Bay thermal coal prices continue to decline
Bohai thermal coal 5500K reported 576 yuan / ton, down 0.17% week-on-week; Shanxi excellent mix 5500K reported 580 yuan / ton, unchanged from last week. Liulin No. 4 coke coal reported 830 yuan / ton, down 3.49% week on week; Tangshan II Metallurgical Coke 1600 yuan / ton, unchanged from last week. Qinhuangdao to Guangzhou freight reported 84.5 yuan / ton, up 13.4% week-on-week; Qinhuangdao to Shanghai freight reported 56.5 yuan / ton, up 13% week-on-week.
Production and sales: the six major power generation group coal consumption rose 6.24%

As of this weekend, Qinhuangdao Port thermal coal stocks reported 6.86 million tons, down 1.72% week-on-week. The total stocks of steam coal in the six power generation groups totaled 12.4558 million tons, down 1.85% on a week-on-month basis and up 0.39% on a year-on-year basis. The daily consumption of coal in the six major power generation groups was 654,100 tons, up 6.24% on a week-on-week basis and up 7.23% on a year-on-year basis.