International mining capacity cooperation facing the main problems

1. Top-level design of international capacity-building for energy resources remains to be worked out
The next decade is an opportunity and a crucial period for China to launch international energy and resource capacity cooperation. International cooperation in resources and resources production, including mineral exploration and development across the entire industrial chain cooperation, investment and M & A and many other areas need to coordinate and promote. In the key minerals, key countries and regions, also need to plan. At present, the "13th Five-Year Plan" for China's international capacity cooperation is still under development. Under the framework of international capacity cooperation and cooperation planning, it is necessary to study and formulate an overall strategy and plan for cooperation in overseas capacity and capacity-building. Due to the lack of top-level design, the lack of overall coordination in the exploration and development of overseas resources and the lack of cooperation in resources and industry in the joint combat fleet, the international discourse power in mineral resources is not high.
2. overseas mineral exploration and development share volume is not large, still in the climbing stage
China's enterprises "going global" have made remarkable achievements in cooperation with overseas mining capacity, obtained a certain amount of mineral resources reserves and formed a number of overseas mineral resources exploration and reserve exploration and development bases. On the whole, although some mineral resources such as copper, cobalt, chromium and platinum group elements are relatively optimistic, some shortages of mineral resources, especially iron ore, bauxite, potash, lead and zinc, Resource endowments and mining conditions are poor. China's iron, copper, aluminum, manganese, chromium and other major mineral resources overseas development and imports compared to a small proportion. In recent years, the state of the under-supply of scarce minerals and pricing has remained unchanged.
In addition, some overseas mining investment enterprises in China have a large gap with the international mining giants in terms of cost control capability, financing capability, international operation capability and anti-risk capability, and their international competitiveness is weak. Chinese enterprises have paid high tuition fees for this purpose, and some projects have experienced slow and slow progress.
3. Insufficient financial support severely restricts overseas mineral exploration
Mineral exploration has the characteristics of high risk, high investment, long cycle and high professionalism. Most of the units that conducted preliminary overseas mineral exploration were supported by special state treasury funds. However, the downturn in the global mining market and the sharp drop in domestic financial support since 2012 have seriously affected overseas exploration work. The ability and motivation of geological exploration units to go out for geology and mineral exploration have been significantly weakened. The current exploration projects rely mainly on social funds to maintain. Because a large number of projects are in a state of stagnation due to lack of funds, a batch of projects that have already obtained initial prospecting results are facing dilemmas in their follow-up work and are in a dilemma.
4. overseas mining capacity cooperation service system and sharing mechanism is not yet in place

First, "going out" cooperation in the development of mining capacity information service system is not in place. China's overseas mineral resources potential distribution and other information control, overseas mining investment risk assessment is not enough depth, has not formed an overseas mining capacity cooperation authority advisory platform. Second, enterprises participating in the overseas exploration and development of mineral resources often fight against each other. They have not established an information sharing mechanism for overseas resources and capacity cooperation among "going global" enterprises, and there are not many overseas mining investment experience exchange platforms. Thirdly, the ability of overseas geological survey to accurately serve capacity-building cooperation still needs to be improved. Our overseas geological survey has been carried out for more than ten years, with more than 20 countries cooperating and the international cooperation network continuously expanded. However, compared with international cooperation in production capacity, especially in mining capacity, there is a clear incompatibility in overseas geological survey, which needs to be accelerated in both the area and the area.