Inner Mongolia Changtu tin manganese silver lead-zinc ore prospecting highlights

"Erlian - Dongwuqi metallogenic belt West Wuqi - Bai Nai Temple Geological Survey" project prospecting field seminar recently held in Inner Mongolia Xilin Gol League Governor Bayan Hu Shuo.
The purpose of this meeting is to summarize the prospecting results of the Xili Manganese Silver Lead, Zinc and Polymetallic Ore in Changtu, Inner Mongolia, and to deploy the next step. During the meeting, all participating units reported on the progress made in the 2017 mineral geology survey and mineral deposit comprehensive investigation, mineral prospecting and geophysical prospecting. Experts attending the symposium went to the field to discuss the geological conditions of mineralization, mineralization and alteration, drilling engineering site As well as core and other detailed observations.
Everyone agreed that the project has made outstanding achievements in ore prospecting. In particular, the two boreholes of ZK37401 and ZK46401 have been delineated for industrial ore bodies of 51m silver lead ore and 15m manganese silver lead-zinc ore, respectively. In order to submit Changtu tin manganese manganese silver lead-zinc Large non-ferrous polymetallic deposits provide the possibility. In addition, 1: 10000 surface magnetic survey and 1: 10000 electrical surface complementation work completed in 2017 further confirmed the presence of volcanic structures and NE-trending and NW-trending faults in the mining area, and newly discovered a polarization High rate of abnormal body, and the magnetotelluric sounding of the earth has better characteristics of low resistivity and high polarization, which is the first choice for further drilling verification.
Jin Ruoshi, director of the Tianjin Geological Survey, pointed out that this is the first discovery of this type of deposit in the northern part of our country. It is of great significance to guide the exploration of breakthroughs in the middle and southern parts of the Daxinganling Mountains. The mineralization geology and mineralization rules should be thoroughly summarized, Of the region made a breakthrough in prospecting for such deposits. Lv Zhicheng, chief engineer of the Exploration and Technology Guidance Center of the Ministry of Land and Resources, believes that the prospecting work of the project has made breakthrough progress. The next step should be to summarize the ore-controlling factors and control the shape and size of ore bodies more finely. Chen Zhiyong, director of Inner Mongolia Geological Exploration Fund Center, stressed the need to pay attention to basic geological work, ore-bearing strata and ore-controlling structures, especially for volcanic institutions in detail for the next step to study the metallogenic regularity and the results of the deposit to provide support.
This meeting comprehensively summarized the prospecting achievements and progress of the two years from 2016 to 2017 and put forward new and higher requirements for the implementation and implementation of the next step. The meeting clarified the supporting role of basic geological survey in prospecting breakthroughs, pointed out the effectiveness of geophysical and geochemical prospecting methods, further opened up the working train of thought of the project team and laid a solid foundation for the 2018 annual survey of mineral deposits.
From the Geological Survey of China Department of Geology, Tianjin Geological Center, Development Research Center, Jilin University, Inner Mongolia Department of Land and Resources, Xilin Gol League and the East Wuqi Bureau of Land Resources, Inner Mongolia Geological Survey, Heilongjiang Province Institute of Qiqihar branch and other units More than 40 leaders and experts attended the meeting.