Shale gas exploration as soon as possible to open up a "new battlefield"

The exploitation resources of marine shale gas in southern China account for about 87% of the total recoverable resources of marine marine shale gas. The prospect of shale gas exploitation in the south is vast. If the obstacles are overcome, it will inevitably bring new Motivation. The participating experts believe that we should open up new areas of gas in the south of our country as soon as possible, strengthen basic research and technological breakthroughs, and strive to achieve the annual output target of 30 billion cubic meters by 2020.
Chen Xu, an academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that at present, the most mature area for shale gas exploitation is the Sichuan Basin. The annual output of shale gas is expected to reach 10 billion cubic meters, equivalent to over 15 million tons of raw coal and over 10 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions. The replacement of coal can save energy cost more than 50 billion yuan, replacing oil can save energy costs more than 30 billion yuan, can promote regional GDP growth as high as 600 billion yuan.
Recently, significant breakthroughs have been made in shale gas exploration and development in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Mining areas will be expanded to Yichang, Hubei and other regions to promote China's annual output of 30 billion cubic meters.
"At present, China has basically mastered the advanced technology of horizontal well fracturing and has basically achieved the exploration and development of shale gas with independent innovation and penetration at a depth of 4 km on the key technologies and equipment." Relevant Industries Experts said.
Horizontal well fracturing technology is the key to the development of shale gas, with a large area of ​​blow-off, single-well production, high availability of reserves.
Experts compared the horizontal well image to a straw. The drilling machine inserted this curved "straw" into the shale gas layer below several kilometers in depth and propelled it horizontally by about 1,500 meters. Through cement fracturing, the man made Cracks, combined with the natural cracks in the shale, can be released.
However, shale gas stratum in China has the characteristics of being deeply buried and poses more challenges to the development of technologies. Zhang Yuan Dong, a researcher at the Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, said: "A large part of the shale gas burial depth in the United States is less than 3,000 meters, some even less than 1,000 meters, but most shale gas in China is below 3,000 meters. Even reached 5,000 meters. The conditions of geological burial are also very complicated. "

Such geological conditions have brought many inconveniences to the development of shale gas. "The biggest problem is the cost. The deeper the burial depth is, the higher the mining cost is. Currently, an exploratory well needs to hit nearly 80 million yuan and the deeper and more expensive it is It is not an exaggeration to say that one more bit of drill would cost about 20,000 RMB more. "However, relevant department experts said:" Costs may be high at the beginning, and the cost will surely come down as the technology matures. At present, the country also subsidizes shale gas mining. "