Face the Challenges, Seize the Opportunities, Analyze the Situations, and Focus on the services

Face the Challenges, Seize the Opportunities, Analyze the Situations, and Focus on the services

------Take you To CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2013

Source: www.mlr.gov.cn   Citation: www.gtzyb.com  Date: Nov.2, 2013




On the first Saturday of November, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2013 will meet with you again in Tianjin on schedule. Perhaps this is the last time to meet you in November. Starting from next year, this event will be advanced to October 20 to 23 every year.


Each mining event exerts an edifying influence on people from the mining industry. What’s the future development of the global mining industry? What is the role of China in world mining pattern, and how will China develop? What are the highlights of this event? What forums will arouse your interest?


Therefore, in combination with the agenda, through analyzing the key words such as “opportunity, challenge and development", "minerals situation",  “private corporations going abroad", "building the service platform", "prospecting new technology and new method", “the harmonious development of green mining", the reporters reviewed and forecasted what you might be concerned and introduced the background of the reform and development of China’s mining industry in recent years, which they hope are helpful and useful to you.


Key words: Opportunity, Challenge, Development

According to the institutional analysis, the pattern of the international mining industry has entered a stage of the deep adjustment with the deep influence of international financial crisis.

In terms of the current situation, the development of the global mining industry has slowed down and appeared a certain degree of adjustment and contraction, which has become a reality.


 “Strengthen international cooperation and accelerate prospecting breakthrough” has always been the theme of CHINA MINING Congress and Expo. The theme of CHINA MINING 2011 was “strengthen international cooperation and speed up the prospecting breakthrough”.  Li Keqiang, politburo member and vice premier, emphasized in the congratulatory letter. that China would adhere to domestic efforts, rely on technological progress and institutional innovation, strengthen geological prospecting and comprehensive utilization of resources, raise efficiency of utilization of minerals support capability and promote a long-term, stable and rapid economic development. At the same time, China would actively participate in international mining mutual benefit cooperation, and take advantage of "two markets and two resources" to play a constructive role for the development and prosperity of the global mining industry. Xu Shaoshi, the Minister of Land and Resources, put forward the cultural concept of "HE (meaning harmony in Chinese and it leads to symbiosis, and difference” which was refreshing.


The theme of CHINA MINING 2012 was "joint hands to promote mutual development" which fully reflected the desire of the international mining industry to promote cooperation in form of unity and promote development in form of cooperation according to Xu Shaoshi.


The theme of CHINA MINING 2013 is “Opportunity, Challenge, and Development". The word "Challenge" was included into the theme only in 2008 when the international mining industry was under financial crisis. The word “Opportunity” only appeared in the theme of CHINA MINING 2009. At that time, MINING Congress and Expo called on the mining industry from all countries to seize the opportunity to promote stability and prosperity of international mining industry, the recovery and development of world economy.

The combination of “Opportunity, Challenge, Development" reflects the grasp of the whole mining industry by China’s mining industry under the current international situation and also utters “Chinese good voice” to the world’s mining industry.

What have to be mentioned are the opening ceremony and the keynote sessions on November 3. Then, government senior officials, business executives and industry experts at home and abroad will deliver speeches on the topic. During the themed events on the morning of November 4, ministers and deputy ministers from mining industry, global mining officials will discuss the global mining development opportunities and mining in the future. The content would make you think more on global mining development opportunity and the future development strategies.

Key words: Private Mining Companies “go abroad”

In recent years, various types of enterprises in China have achieved significant achievements in international cooperation such as mineral resources exploration and development, and processing trade.


However, the overseas exploration and development of mineral resources are not satisfactory because our enterprises are not familiar with the rules of the international mining industry, weak in international market development capability, short of experience in international cooperation, and so on.


In 2012, the ministry of land and resources focused on the information service, strengthened the international guidance and support in geology and mineral resources, and compiled the mining investment guide, important national mining law, and world mining consultancy list, etc, for dozens of countries and regions.


China Mining Association set up a private mining branch, which meant private mining finally had his own "home". One of the three important tasks was to create conditions to help private enterprises “go abroad”.


Since this year, China Mining Association has centered on how to “go abroad” and, how we can go further to do a lot of work. They also put forward China`s mining industry "go abroad" plan: “The private enterprises are the first to go abroad with the support of geological exploration enterprises and finances, followed by big mining companies. Private and exploration companies form new productivity through the development of holdings and meanwhile leave some shares to secure benefit. Large listed companies make development, which results in win-win situation. “


Like the previous, there will be an important sector to introduce our private enterprises "go out" financing and investment as well as how to avoid risks in outbound investment; the introduction on "go out" policy support, the social responsibility and self-discipline, and the cases analysis on outbound investment success and failure. On November 2, there will be the forum on “Investment and Financing of China`s Private companies” the whole afternoon. I hope you don`t miss it.

Key Words:  the Situation of Minerals

The analysis on the situation of minerals was the focus of the past MINING Congress and Expo.


CHINA MINING 2013 is no exception. What is the supply and demand situation of Iron ore? What are the price trends of gold, platinum and other precious metals? What are the prospects of other metals, nonmetals and uranium products? The themed event on minerals, the essential part of the past MINING Congress and Expo will be held on time.


Coal situation, which was rarely talked about during the past annual congress, becomes the hot topic. The themed event on coal is included.


As is known to all, the price of coal fell sharply since the downlink channel was opened last year. In the first half of this year, the coal industry fell to the bottom after several rounds of big adjustment, and came to the most difficult period in history.


Out of the depth of misfortune comes bliss. Ups and downs coexist. The coal industry began to improve after a year’s depression in the second half of the year. Now, with continuous good policy and downward pressure, what will be the trend of coal price? What is the supply and demand status at present and in the future? The above will be discussed during the stream.


Except coal, there are oil and natural gas. The development and reserve status of oil and natural gas and the forecast of prices will be discussed during the stream on oil and natural gas.


From the forum on coal, oil, natural gas on the afternoon of November 2, to the forum on iron ore and gold on the afternoon of November 3, from the forum on precious metals such as silver, platinum and other base metals to the forum on uranium, other metals and nonmetals on November 5, you will have a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the price trends of the main minerals now and in the future, the supply and demand situation and the development of new projects.


Key Words: Build Platforms

Mining cooperation project promotion at home and abroad becomes beautiful scenery every year during CHINA MINING.

The mining cooperation projects and investment opportunities will be focused on such countries and regions as central Asia, Chile, Canada, Australia, Greenland, Peru, Argentina and Africa, which builds a platform for the domestic and foreign mining companies to promote mining cooperation projects.


In addition, “Asia investment forum” will be held, which focuses on the mining cooperation opportunities among the Asian countries, the investment policies of mineral exploration development, and the case analysis of foreign direct investment in Asia. The above will be the first time in recent successive mining conference.

It should be mentioned that “focus on service” will be given greater prominence.

Except the policy introduction on project promotion according to regions, streams on China international mining investment, overseas investment policy and risk interpretation, the methods and channels of mining financing, the performance and future trend analysis of mineral assets, mining company`s demand for capital and financing, the global exploration development trend and opportunity are also held. Among them, the present status of the mining enterprise overseas investment during China international mining investment stream will be fully introduced with the deep analysis of relevant risks, and full coverage of overseas investment trends. “The social responsibility guidelines of China overseas mining corporate" will be released, which guides the healthy and orderly development of overseas investment. This stream, guided by Ministry of Commerce, PRC, will be one of the highlights of greatest concern.

For those companies which want to “go abroad”, the above will be very usef

In addition to the opening ceremony and the keynote session on the morning of November 3 and 4, streams on Policies & Financing will run through the entire CHINA MINING.

Key words: Mining Green Development

Mining green development is the inevitable choice of ecological civilization construction, and an important way in promoting the transformation of the development mode.


Ten days ago, the experience exchange on recycling economy of China’s mining industry (green and harmonious mine) was held in Luoyang, Henan, with the theme "Change the Way of Development through Green Harmony".


In recent years, according to the relevant requirements of “Guidance on the implementation of national natural resources plan to develop and construct green mining”, the Ministry of Land and Resources gives full play to the functions of departments, transforms the green mine construction as the mode of mining development, promotes the intensive and efficient utilization of resources, promotes the overall image of mining, and strengthens the construction of ecological civilization, improves the livelihood of the people, safeguards the rights and interests of the masses to promote social harmony, which has achieved obvious results together with all relevant aspects and areas.  


So far, 459 mining enterprises have been identified in three batches as the national green pilot units, covering oil, coal, nonferrous metal, metallurgy, gold, chemical industry, building materials and non-metallic mining industry and etc, which has played a leading role in the efficient use of resources, innovative technology, energy conservation and emissions reduction, reforming environment, the promotion of local economic and social development. At present, the declaration of the fourth batch of national green mine construction is in steady progress.


According to sources, China will strive for the number of national pilot mining to more than 600 by the end of “twelfth five-year” plan.


What is the development trend of the green mine construction? How are the principles of sustainable development and responsible modern mining implemented in China? On the afternoon of November 3, the above will be discussed during the stream on mining sustainable development. On the afternoon of November 4, there will be case studies during the stream on mining sustainable development, e.g., how to establish interactive relationship with the local community? How to realize the harmonious coexistence of mining and community? , How to make use of mine construction to promote the new rural development?

Key words: New technologies and methods to prospect and explore mining

If you are an expert from geological exploration units, you will have a lot to concern.

On the afternoon of January 3, during the stream on the Progress and achievements in geological survey, there will be introductions on progress and development of China’s basic geological survey, evaluation progress of China’s mining reserves, new examples of national prospecting & exploration of mining, and the important role of geological exploration fund to China`s geological prospecting.


On the afternoon of November 2, during the stream on mining technology and equipment, you will have an opportunity to hear the experts from different mining companies and research institutions present their latest technical innovations and equipments in exploration and mining. At the same time, you can have a general idea of how the international giants procure equipment in China.


On the morning of November 5th, during the stream on geological prospecting and technological innovation, the related experts will discuss and exchange on such topics as geological survey new technology and method of mineral exploration at home and abroad.


For overseas primary exploration companies, this year`s conferences have more surprises. On the afternoon of November 4, there will be themed sessions which provide more advice on how to attract investment for these companies, and introduce more opportunities for exploration, mining project, and seeking listings, etc.



At that time, Chinese investors will have an opportunity to see a large number of high-quality overseas exploration projects, which builds a high-end platform towards internationalization. (Zhang Li) (translated by TLRHVC)



Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2013 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on November 2-5, 2013. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 15th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2013, please visit: www.chinaminingtj.org.