Soil repair industry started - the future is expected to reach trillion scale

It is reported that the oil sludge generated in the process of oil exploration and production and processing is one of the major pollutants produced by the petroleum and petrochemical industries. HIT's research and development of sewage sludge treatment technology, the use of cavitation, sponge effect, through the multi-scale optimization of time and space to achieve efficient separation of oil and mud. After treatment, the solid oil content is less than 1%, which has the characteristics of high sludge disposal efficiency, safety and environmental protection.
In addition to technology, financial support for soil remediation is also growing. On November 23, the MEP held a regular press conference in November. You Youxin, head of the Planning and Finance Division of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, said that the special fund for environmental protection arranged by the central government this fiscal year is expected to reach 49.7 billion yuan. Around the water, the atmosphere and the soil Pollution prevention and treatment of rural environment, landscape ecological restoration of forest and lake grass.
Among them, in the prevention and control of soil pollution, the Central Government allocated a special fund of 6.5 billion yuan for the prevention and control of soils (including heavy metals) in 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), newly started a pilot project on the application of soil pollution control and rehabilitation technologies, Accelerate the construction of advanced areas for soil pollution control. Since the 13th Five-Year Plan, the central government has arranged a total of 15 billion yuan of special funds.
In the key ecological protection and restoration and management, to further expand the experimental range of landscape and water conservation projects, the central government last year to support four projects on the basis of this year has arranged 2 billion yuan to support the Qilian Qinghai key ecological restoration pilot, and another one The batch project is under approval. The funds are mainly used for rehabilitation of mines, land consolidation and restoration, natural vegetation restoration, etc., in the follow the laws of nature, cross-sectoral collaboration, system management and protection has taken a new step.
Wei Li, chairman of the Environmental Chamber of Commerce Soil Remediation Professional Committee and general manager of the high-energy environment restoration company, said: "The scale of the industry in soil remediation is increasing year by year due to the policies of" Soil 10 "and the industry scale is only 3 billion in 2015, It is estimated that the industrial scale in 2017 will reach 24 billion.

According to the analysis of the insiders, in 2017, the market for soil restoration in the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period is expected to exceed 100 billion yuan. In the long run, the whole industry can reach the scale of one trillion yuan. In view of the fact that the industry has just started, the future still needs a number of leading enterprises with comprehensive capabilities and a batch of dynamic small and medium enterprises to promote them as a whole.