Wu Xinxiong:Create “upgraded version” of Chinese energy

Source: www.mlr.gov.cn Citation: www.chinamining.com.cn    Date: Feb.18, 2014

Energy work matters a great deal for every aspect of national economy and people’s livelihood. Our country has made great progress in energy in recent years. On the basis of domestic energy security, we have gained more discourse power on the field of international energy. In the past year, what progress has been made? What target tasks are in the following year? How to develop various works smoothly to guarantee national energy security? With these questions, our journalist interviewed Wu Xinxiong who is the vice director of National Development and Reform Commission and Director of National Energy Administration.

Journalist: Please talk about the achievement we’ve got in 2013.

Wu: In 2013, all members of energy system all over the country worked hard together, tackled tough, take practical measures and spared no efforts to guarantee energy supplies. What’s more, we did everything we can to optimize allocation of energy structure and devote great efforts to drive energy reform and innovation. As a result, we have made a great contribution to keeping the energy situation balanced and improving the energy-using condition of the masses. The main results are as follows:

Energy supply&demand has been stable and energy efficiency has been increased a lot. In 2013, the total energy production increased by 2.1%, compared with the year before. Among them, coal output increased by about 1%. Crude production increased by about 2%to 210 million more or less. Gas production was about 11.7 billion , which increased by 9%. Electric energy production increased by 7.5% and reached 5.35 trillion. About 0.7 billon standard coal was imported. The increasing rate of GDP is 7.7%. Total energy consumption increased by 3.9%. GDP (10,000 Yuan) consumed 0.731 tons of standard coal which descended about 3.7%.

Plans for Controlling Air Pollution made by State Department have been carrying out.  At the same time, we have drawn up a scheme about how to prevent and cure air pollution. We also proposed several energy security measures such as providing more exotic electricity, guaranteeing natural gas supplies, supplying State-V oil in advance, developing renewable energy, starting the construction of nuclear power duly and so on.

We took several measures to speed up the development of clean - energy and renewable energy. In 2013, China’s newly installed capacity reached 2993 GW of hydropower, making the total capacity 0.28 billion kilowatt. Newly installed capacity of wind power was 14.06 GW, 75.48 GW in total. Wind power production was 140 billion kilowatt which increased by 36.4%. Newly installed photovoltaic power generation system was 1130 GM, the whole capacity got to 1479 GM and total power production was more than 8 billion kilo watt per hour, which increased 43%. Biomass power generation reached 850 GW and total power production was 32 billion GW hour.

Taking the opportunity of promoting the results of high-level-visit, energy international cooperation has made great progress. In the field of oil and gas, we have signed a series of protocols and memorandums about promoting. Russia will supply more crude as well as natural gas. Turkmenistan will add more natural gas for China, 25 billion cubic meters in total. We subscribed the summary of conversations which were about inter-governmental route of natural gas channel-D in central Asia and pipeline-transiting protocols. We purchased 20% of the equity of program LNG (in Yamal, Russia ) and 8.33% of the equity of Kashia oil field ( in Kazakhstan ) by bidding. In the territory of nuclear power, Karachi Nuclear Plant No.2, which is in Pakistan was undertook and Set No.3 began to work. The cooperation agreement between Romania and China has been achieved so that we will exploit the Cernavode Nuclear Plant No.3 and No.4 together. What’s more, the phased objectives were obtained on Sino-US AP1000 and Sino-Russia nuclear power. In the field of coal, electric power, 20 million tons of coal was imported in 2013. Steady progress in development cooperation between the US, Australia, Mongolia, India, etc. has been made. Electric trade with the countries around has been increasing persistently. In the territory of new and renewable energy, China joined the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) officially. Memorandum of understanding and framework agreement has been subscribed among China and the UK, Canada and so on. We have come to an important agreement on solar energy with Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, etc. The cooperation with other counties such as Denmark,German, other districts like Taiwan and organizations such as the World Bank, Asian Development Bank (ADB ) has been deepened day by day.

In 2013, we have devoted many efforts to advance energy technology innovation. As a result, the important national special project in science and technology has been carried out. Nationalization and industrialization on energy technology equipment has had new breakthrough as well. In the field of nuclear electricity, some pivotal devices such as main pump AP100, explosion valve, large - sale forge pieces and so on. have developed independently. CAP1400 has passed the preliminary design investigation. High-temperature gas-cooled (HTGR) has always been evolved well. As for the shale gas, the system of horizontal well, drilling and completion, large-volume fracture technology has been formed rudimentarily and independently. The world’s first type3000 fracturing truck has been made successfully and put into field application. The Sinopec Nationally Designated Demonstration Region in Fuling, Chongqing brought into production test. The highest daily oil yield of every single well has reached 380,000 cube meters. As respects of long-distance pipeline and LNG, large domestic electric compressors have realized batch orderings. The main equipment used in the east part of the West-east natural gas transmission line-3, program LNG in Tai’an which is able to produce 600.000 tons per year has been all made in China. As for clean coal, the 60GW capacity Circulating Fluid Bed(CFB) in units went into operation formally. Baima power station (Sichuan) owned the intellectual property right independently, which stands for China’s leading position in CFB boiler technology.

Journalist: Could you talk about our energy working task in 2014?

Wu: The guiding thoughts of 2014’s energy work are as follows: Fully implement the spirits of the 18th National Congress and 2nd / 3rd plenary session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party; carefully implement all decisions of the Central Government and the State Council; complete the following four basic task: be sure to guarantee energy strategy safety; change the way of consuming energy; optimize the layout structure and make innovations in energy system and mechanism. We will put more efforts on transferring mode, adjusting structure, promoting reform, reinforcing supervision , guaranteeing all kinds of supplies and benefit masses. Market impetus and vitality will be stimulated by reforming dividends, as a result, we will make a Chinese energy “updated version”, providing a firm safeguard for economic development.

The main aims of energy work in 2014 are as follows: Energy efficiency must be increased. GDP energy consumption per unit must be controlled within the range of 0.71 tons of standard coals per ten thousand Yuan, reduced 12%, compared with 2010; Elasticity of energy consumption will be about 0.43 while electricity consumption elasticity will be about 0.93; The total energy consumption will be controlled within 3.88 billion tons of standard coal more or less, increased 3.2%, compared with last year; electricity consumption will be controlled at 5,720 billion kilo watt, increased 7%, compared with last year; coal consumption will be controlled under 3.8 billion tons, increased 1.6%, compared with last year;  By means of optimizing energy structure, the ratio of non-fossil energy consumption will increase to 10.7%, the ratio of non-fossil energy installed power generation will reach 32.7%; the proportion of natural gas will increase to 6.5% while coal consumption will reduce below 65%.; The total energy production will reach 3.54 billion tons of standard coal to guarantee energy supplies, which increased by 4.3%. Among those, coal production will be 2.5 billion tons of standard coal, increasing 2.7%; crude oil production will reach 0.21 billion tons, increasing 0.5%; natural gas production will reach 131 billion stereos, increasing 12%; electric production from non-fossil energy will reach 1,300 billion kilo watt hour, increasing 11.8%.

Journalist : In order to accomplish those target tasks above, what aspects of work should we do?

Wu: In 2014, we will emphasize the following aspects of work.

First, we will change the way of consuming energy, control the excessive growth of total energy consumption. Energy consumption and economic growth will be connected. The gross energy consumption of energy-intensive production and excessive production capacity industries will be restrained strongly; other industries will be restrained strongly according to their average advanced energy efficiency, existing capacity must be up to the standard before deadline. Newly increased capacity must meet advanced energy efficiency standard. Selecting the superior and eliminating the interior will be accelerated. Put regions-differential energy policies. According to the affordability of ecosystem and water resource in the western part of our country, we can pursue efforts to energy development properly and maximize the ability of inter-regional calling-out in the condition of energy efficiency and advanced technology; energy development intensity in the central part should be controlled and the energy development structure in the eastern part should be optimized, fossil energy excessive increase should be controlled strictly.

Second, air pollution prevention measures must be carried out carefully to promote energy structure perfection. Taking the opportunity of air pollution prophylaxis and treatment, we will accelerate the speed in closing down backward production facilities. We will do more to reduce the ratio of coal consumption and increase the proportion of natural gas and non-fossil energy. We will do some research to set a national standard of product coal’s quality. Coal quality control measures will be released as well; complete the policy about differential coal import tariff to encourage to import high-class coal and limit the import of high ash , high sulfur coal. Upgrades of oil quality will be implemented more rapidly, the plan about refined oil product will be introduced. Upgrading reconstruction of refineries will be propelled and the capacity distribution will be advanced to make sure that motor gasoline and diesel oil in national -V-standard will be supplied for key cities in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei region, Yangtze river delta and Pearl river delta by the end of 2015, the supplies will reach all over China by the end of 2017. We will improve the support capacity of natural gas and make a long-run supply plan according to the requirement from every province. We will quicken exploiting unconventional gas like coal bed gas and shale gas. Coal gas industry will be developed scientifically and sequentially. We will speed up boosting pipelines, gas storage facilities and LNG reception station program construction. We will increase the efforts of eliminating backward production facilities and the energy-saving emission reduction. We will stop approving and building new coal whose production capacity is below 300,000 tons every year, the coal and gas-outburst mine whose production capacity below 900 thousand also will be forbidden. In this way, mines which produce below 90 thousand will be eliminated gradually and the mines which are danger to miners will be shut down more quickly so that coal mine enterprise annexation and reorganization will be impelled continually. In 2014, the backward production capacity which is eliminated will be 30 million tons; the number of coal enterprise will be reduced within 5500. The pollution-treatment infrastructure and remolding of coal-fired power plants in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei region, Yangtze River delta and Pearl River delta will be completed by 2015.

Third, we will strive to develop clean energy to promote the green growth of energy. We will develop hydroelectric power actively by expediting large-scale hydropower base constructions such as Jinsha River, Lantsang River, Dadu River, Yalong River and so on. Wind power will be developed sequentially. We will formulate, perfect and carry out the regulations about renewable electricity standard and guaranteeing the purchasing in full amount, in this way, the wind power cost will be reduced gradually and we will try our best to make the cost of wind power be equipped for thermal power by 2020. Solar power generation will be developed faster, Some opinions on promoting the healthy development of photovoltaic industry signed by the state council will be carried out. Strengthen the whole- process supervision of photovoltaic grid-connected service and indemnify purchasing in order to make sure the subsidized capital in place; distributed PV business model will be explored and formed practically, the electricity cost will be reduced gradually. We will make an active use of biomass and geothermal energy. We will give more support to biomass cogeneration. Geothermal energy can be used preferentially in the area rich in geothermal energy. Nuclear electricity must be developed safely and efficiently. The major projects of nuclear power must be started in proper time. Nuclear power in coastal region should be carried forward step by step. We also should protect the address of our inland nuclear plants well.

Fourth, petroleum and natural gas will be developed more rapidly. We will increase the capacity of insuring energy safety. We will follow the guideline which required us to develop conventionally and unconventionally, to lay equal stress on land and sea. Oil gas exploration and development will be reinforced and oil gas self-sufficient ability will be increased. In 2014, national crude production plan to be 2100 million tons. Natural gas (not contain coal gas) production will reach 131 billion cube meters. We will increase the gas probing development dynamics and do a good job on deep layer, offshore, deep water oil-gas field exploration. We will focus on the six main manufacturing bases which are Song-liao, Bohai Bay, Ordos, Northwest, Sichuan and at sea. The exploration and recovery rate will be increased faithfully to endeavor to secure more reserves. Unconventional and oil gas resources in the sea will be made new breakthrough in. We will summarize and popularize the experience from Sinopec Nationally Designated Demonstration Region in Fuling. Nationally Designated Demonstration Region of shale gas should be constructed more quickly. We will do all we can to accelerate the speed of exploration in Sichuan-Chongqing area. New breakthrough will be made in Hunan-Hubei , Yunnan-Guizhou and Kiangsu-Anhui region. Demonstration industries of coal gas will be advanced step by step. We will carry forward the demonstration industries of coal gas actively and safely, following the strictest standard for energy efficient and environmental protection. Making use of coal according to different qualities will be encouraged.

Fifth, we will optimize structures to boost the construction of coal giant base and large channel. We will focus on building 14 large coal bases, 9 large coal electricity bases, 12 transmission accesses for West-east electricity transmission project to optimize energy development space and increase energy al locative efficiency. The yield of the coal bases will reach 3.46 billion tons, taking up 91% of the whole country; the preliminary working scale will reach 70 million kilo watt, taking up 8% of the coal installed capacity all over the country. The general management plan in mining area will be enhanced, the exploring order will be standardized and the preliminary work and checking work in large or medium modern coal programs will be facilitated steadily; we will boost mining safely and greenly, generalize technical of backfill mining; we will speed up the constructions of these mining lots, which are used for gas drainage in large scale and gas governance demonstration, increase gas utilization as well; we will expedite the updating demonstration of coal’s further processing with steady steps and promote the conversion to high-efficiency and cleanness as well as comprehensive utilization. We will build large scale coal-fired power plants in coal-gathering area such as Sinkiang, Inner Mongolia, Shan-xi, Ningsia and so on. We will propel the construction of large scale kilowatts coal bases, which are delivery-based in Ordos, Xilinguole, the north, center, east of Shan-xi, the northern part of Shaanxi, Ningdong, Kumul, Huaidong, etc.

Sixth, we will take the major projects as a medium to advance energy technological innovation strongly. We will bring into full play to the leading role of national energy development center ( key laboratory). We will focus on boosting the key technological research like unconventional oil gas, deepwater hydrocarbon, advanced nuclear electricity, new energy, 700℃ ultra supercritical power generation, coal-fired power generation according with the standard of gas turbine letting-out, coal further processing, exploration of coal bed gas, smart grid, distributed energy resource, high-capacity accumulation energy, etc. We will start and do a good job on 25 major applied technology and special demonstration projects. We will work hard to make a new breakthrough in unconventional oil gas such as abyssal sea gas oil, compact gas oil, shale gas oil, etc and new generation of nuclear technology. We will impel the domestication of key equipment and focus on propelling the equipment domestication of shale gas and coal bed gas, the exploration of sea oil gas, the liquefaction and reception of natural gas, nuclear gas and pumped storage power, etc. Independent research and development on large-size gas turbines will be boosted. The development of high-temperature components and the construction of verification platform will be accelerated. We will make some instructions to promote the sound development in energy equipment-making industries. The self-dependent innovation platform construction of energy enterprises and energy equipment-making enterprises will be quickened, equipment localization will be impelled, the level of energy equipment independence will be higher, as a result, internationally competitive energy equipment industry system will be formed, which will be an active support for energy equipment enterprises.

Seventh, we will deepen energy international cooperation. Sino-Russia natural gas negotiation will be impelled actively, We will speed up propelling the pipeline-D natural gas program. We will impel the cooperation between Yamal liquefied natural gas program in Russia and Tianjin refinery plants. We will consolidate and enhance the ten major energy-cooperation relationships such as Sino-Russia, China-Kazakhstan, China-Turkmenistan, China-Uzbekistan and so on. We will cement and enlarge the four oil gas transmission pipeline construction which include the northwest, northeast, southwest and oil gas at sea. Energy resource importation will be boosted practically. We will impel construction of the economic zones on the Silk Road, the Maritime Silk Road in the 21th century, the economic corridor among China, India, Myanmar, Bangladesh and China-Pakistan. We will focus on energy cooperation and drive upstream-downstream industries, engineering construction, technical equipment and relevant service industries to develop smoothly. The cooperation program such as Venezuela’s heavy oil, Canada’s oil sand, America’s shale oil and gas, Brazil’s oil under salt in deep sea and so on will be brought into force successfully. The international cooperation in coal, electricity, new energy will be quickened. Technical equipment export and project contracting on coal equipment, new energy equipment, electrical&electronics  and dam design technology will be propelled.

Journalist: Please talk about the effects of the National Energy Administration on tightening industry management, transformation of functions, shifting the paradigm?

W: The National Energy Administration will emphasize transforming the function of government, reducing administrative examination and approval, innovating the way of energy management, straightening strategies, planning, policies, measures, supervision and service, we will increase the energy efficiency practically.

Energy legal construction will be propelled. We will carry forward revising Power Law. We will promote the introduction of natural gas pipeline protection regulations, nuclear power management regulations, and national petroleum reserve management regulations. Renewable Energy Source Act and supporting measures for Oil and Gas Pipeline Protection will be perfected. We will study and formulate energy regulations and establish a sound energy regulatory rules and regulations.

We will strengthen strategic planning and policy guidance. Major strategic energy planning like national energy strategic action plan will be unveiled. The preliminary study and compiling work of the 13th Five Year Plan will be started. We will protocol a plan of annual energy development and strengthen the energy policy research. We need complete the industrial policy of major energy as well.

The mechanism of examination and approval for the record will be innovated. The way of energy program management should be innovated as well. We will implement the project mainly through “four-in-one” management including program, plan, policy and supervision. Canceling and delegating power to local government will be continued. All power that can be transferred to a lower level should be transferred. All that can be delivered to market should be delivered to market. The government approved investment projects catalogue in 2013 will be carried out practically. For matters that was subject to examination and approval, authorization of archival filing, we will further optimize the administrative examination and approval procedures as well as simplifying  the preconditions for examination and approval of projects, establish online public and approval system, accelerate the fairness for examination and approval, completing in time and improving the service efficiency &transparency.

We will serve for local social development. We will abide by the difficulties for the local places, in the light of the overall situation of energy security, closely in combination with the practical situation of local economic and social development and aiming at the existing outstanding problems of energy security. We will give full play to the province matchmaking service and contact energy resources work mechanism&corresponding liaison mechanism of local energy work. We should understand and settle the claim reasonably in a timely manner. Regional differentiation in energy policy should be implemented to promote the eastern, central, western regions’ economic and social coordination&sustainable development.

Energy service companies will be developed scientifically. The role of seven energy enterprises’ scientific development coordination mechanism, which are coal, electricity, oil gas, new&renewable energy and so on, will be fully exerted. The symposium shall be convened once each quarter. We will help enterprises grasp the opportunities, response to challenges and resolve problems timely in order to make them enlarged and fortified in the market competition through the analysis of the situation & countermeasure research.

(Translated by TLRHVC)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2014 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on October 20-23, 2014. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 16th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2014, please visit: www.chinaminingtj.org.

China to further open its mining industry

Source: www.chinamining.org Citation: China Daily Date: Nov.05, 2013

China will further open its mining sector to overseas investors and encourage them to participate in resource exploration and utilization and the development of shale gas, said a senior official on Sunday.

"The Chinese government has attached great importance to the mining industry`s contribution to the country`s economic growth," said Jiang Daming, minister for land and resources, at the 2013 China Mining Expo in Tianjin.

He said the establishment of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone signifies that China has stepped into a new stage of openness.

The government will simplify the approval process and management of mining resources, with the aim of improving the convenience and efficiency of investment in the sector, according to Jiang.

At present, social capital accounts for up to 70 percent of mining exploration investments in China, as investors have grown increasingly diversified.

Many foreign companies have shown an interest in China`s mining industry, but they were put off by restrictive policies, said Greg McNab, who heads the mining group for Canada at Baker & Mckenzie LLP, a global law firm.

He told China Daily that many Canadian banks and steel companies want to invest in China`s mining sector, providing technologies, expertise and capital, an opportunity from which Chinese companies could benefit.

"However, we need to see the policy really happens," he said. "I have confidence in these policies being carried out soon, because when the Chinese government says they are going to do something, it can be done really quickly."

At present, about 50 companies are registered members of the Global Mining Association of China, according to Peter Arkell, chairman of the association.

He said most of these companies are providing services in the industry, while around five or six are involved in mining exploration and development.

China opened its mining sector to foreign investors in 2000, when it announced a policy to allow foreign companies to apply for mining exploration rights in China.

Between 2002 and 2008, there was a boom in foreign companies coming to China for mining exploration. At its peak, more than 200 foreign companies were conducting mining operations in China.


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2014 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on October 20-23, 2014. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 16th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2014, please visit: www.chinaminingtj.org.

Australian experts discuss ecological restoration at China Mining 2013

Source: www.chinamining.org Citation: China Daily Date: Nov.05, 2013


Australia has a long history of mining with advanced technologies - with the government and mining companies aiming for ecological restoration, pursuing a sustainable development - and Australian experts and business representatives shared their experience on sustainable mining at the China Mining 2013 event, held in Tianjin on Nov 3.

Alan Morrell, Senior Trade Commissioner of the Australian Trade Commission, discussed ecological restoration, saying that, after mining projects are completed in Australia, the top soil must be restored. He also said that the authorities are responsible for making sure that local residents can live in the area after the project, and the country has also invested large sums in technology research to ensure the safety of the workers.

In addition, Morrell said there are some "very good examples of the cooperation between mining companies of Australia and China", and he gave the example of Worley Parsons, which cooperates with Chinese companies to do mining projects in South Africa.

He added: "I would like to see that in the future more Australian companies work with Chinese companies to develop our mining projects." 


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2014 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on October 20-23, 2014. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 16th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2014, please visit: www.chinaminingtj.org.

Unity urged in mining sector still stagnant from crisis

Source: chinadaily.com.cn Citation: chinadaily.com.cn Date: Nov. 4, 2013


                                  Mining is one of the most important sectors in the global economic exchanges and cooperation.”
                                        ---JIA DAMING, MINISTER OF LAND AND RESOURCES

                                      Shown here is the opening ceremony of the China Mining Conference and Exhibition 2013. This
                                             year’s event has more than 40 sub-forums on various subjects.

                                                                                                                   PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY
                                        The event provides an open platform for exhibitors, including governmental organizations from
                                        than 20 countries and regions.

Government officials and industry insiders called for open markets and global collaboration as a way to make the most of the challenges and opportunities in the mining industry at the China Mining Conference and Exhibition 2013, which kicked off on Nov 3 in Tianjin.

Currently, the world economy is still in a period of deep adjustment, and the recovery is being undermined by unbalanced development models and stagnation, said Jiang Daming, minister of land and resources, said at the opening ceremony that Given this situation, growth world’s mining industry has slowed down, he said, adding that industrial restructuring and technological revolution have provided opportunities.

He said China will develop innovative exploratory technologies, carry out the eco-friendly mining strategy and improve mining administration, regulations and service systems.

As the establishment of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone marks a milestone in China’s opening-up process, he said the Chinese government will continue international cooperation in the geological research and mining sectors, encouraging foreign investment that represent advanced technologies.

“Mining is one of the most important sectors in the global economic exchanges and cooperation,” Jiang said.

“Now at such a time when the whole world finds difficulties in the recovering its economy, the mining industry of all countries must join hands for a common goal - the sustainable development of the mining industry, which can provide a sound support to the world economy’s recovery.

“Mining is a knowledge and technology-intensive industry,” he said. “Its sustainable development must be supported by technical innovation.”

He called for increased investment in mining technologies and talent, improved market orders and more dialogue among different economies to achieve mutual benefit.

Australian Minister of Industry Ian McFarlane said that relations between China and his home country have been consistently characterized by interpersonal exchanges.

He said China is Australia’s most important trading partner in the long turn, and the success of the trading relationship is “the most visible” in the resources and energy sectors.

Australia’s exports to China total around $500 billion annually.

China is also Australia’s top export destination for iron ore, accounting for nearly 70 percent, and the second-largest export market for coal.

China’s demand for Australia’s resources is important for the Australian economy as it “creates jobs and revenue, and improves technical development, and has protected Australia from the worst effects of the global financial crisis”.

Meeting the global energy demand requires significant investment, and the best way to achieving the investment is through open and free trade, McFarlane said.

However, he added that free trade agreements are difficult to negotiate, and they require patience, confidence and trust.

“The challenge now is for us to work together to ensure that we keep our investment and trade open and free and to maximize our share of economic interests in a sensible and practical way,” he said.

However, Tan Yaling, chief economist at the Bank of China, warned Chinese companies against attempting to globalize their operations too quickly. He suggested domestic resources companies focus more on real economy than financing.

“They should learn from those developed countries that have grown from the primary stage to the middle, and to the advanced stage,” she said in a keynote speech.

“The primary stage features fast speed and large scale,” she explained. “In the middle stage, they will find the correct direction of R&D, and the advanced stage is about expansion.”

“The Chinese economy has not yet developed to the stage of expansion,” she said.

This year’s China Mining has more than 40 themed sub-forums, with a total exhibition area of 26,000 square meters.

The exhibitors include governmental organizations from more than 20 countries and regions.

Canada, Australia and Argentina, have participated in the expo for many years, but there are also newcomers this year, like Kenya and New Zealand. One of the highlights this year is a sub-forum about the green mines.

According to a plan by the Ministry of Land and Resources, mines across the nation will meet the standards of “green mines” by 2020, but now only around 500 of the total of 100,000 mines are qualified.

Industry insiders said this provides “great market potential” for global mining companies and service providers. (By Zhang Zhao in Tianjin, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2014 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on October 20-23, 2014. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 16th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2014, please visit: www.chinaminingtj.org.


Wang Yanguo: Private enterprises are China`s Important Forces in International Mining Cooperation

Source: www.mlr.gov.cn   Citation: www.chinamining.com.cn   Date: Nov.7, 2013

On the eve of the CHINA MINING 2013, Wang Yanguo, Executive Vice President of China Int`l Chamber of Commerce for the Private Sector said that private enterprises were China`s active and important forces in the international mining cooperation.

Wang Yanguo said, 2012 statistics bulletin of the foreign direct investment in China which was released in September this year, showed that in 2012, under the background of the global foreign direct investment (FDI) flew down 17% compared with 2011, China`s FDI hit a new record of $87.8 billion, increased by 17.6% from a year earlier and China had become one of the three largest foreign investors in the world for the first time . Among them, the proportion of total investment of the non-state-owned enterprises and private enterprises accounted for 45% and the proportion only 14% in 2008, and only 29% in 2010. That is to say, in four years time, foreign investment of non-public enterprises and private enterprises had increased by 3.2 times, they are more active than before. The enterprise quantity of logging out overseas shows 13,500 Chinese investors logged on 2.2 enterprises from abroad. Among them, the state-owned enterprises overseas log out only about 10%. Non-public enterprises and private enterprises are the main forces in overseas logging out. From the investment scale, in 2012, only China’s top 500 private companies invested in 730 projects in overseas, total investment reached $16 billion, almost 20% of the national foreign direct investment. In the international cooperation, non-public enterprises and private enterprises have to get rid of the small model. Among them, HUAWEI, WANXIANG, GEELY, NEW HOPE, SANY, WANDA, etc, had become the participants in the important projects of international cooperation.

Wang Yanguo pointed out that China`s private enterprises "going out" organization, investment and cooperation models had become increasingly diverse, according to the project characteristics, or their own conditions for complementary advantages, spread risk, etc., they had explored many "going out" models such as the cooperation with state-owned geological exploration units model, with the combination of state-owned enterprises model, private enterprises unity model, with the aid of private equity funds model; The cooperation models include the deep cooperation with overseas primary exploration company, with a variety of intermediary complementary cooperation, cooperation with foreign companies, equity merger and acquisition form equity cooperation and so on. Continuously exploring suitable investment patterns, China`s private enterprises formed many international investment models in the field of mining, for example, the industrial chain resources integration, transnational mergers and acquisitions risk of mineral exploration, engineering and technology in resources, franchise as well as the "industrial park”. In addition, in the international cooperation, private enterprises had adopted the financing to buy ore and exclusive sale of raw materials, product sharing agreement (PSA) and profit sharing agreement and other rights and value realization model. (Yu Defu) (Translated by TLRHVC)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2014 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on October 20-23, 2014. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 16th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2014, please visit: www.chinaminingtj.org.

China Mining Association plans to do ten events in 2014

Source: www.mlr.gov.cn    Citation: www.chinamining.com.cn   Date: Nov 7, 2013

China Mining Association annual meeting and the third session of the fifth conference of board of directors was held in Tianjin city a few days ago. At the meeting, China Mining Association comprehensively reviewed the work in 2013, introduced the work plans and focal point of the work in 2014, and listened to the work requirements and recommendations of member units to China Mining Association. Zhu Xun, the secretary general of eighth CPPCC and National Committee, former minister of the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources, honorary president of China Mining Association, attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Wang Jiahua, executive vice president of Chinese Mining Association, reached out for advice from the president of the presidium and standing council unit, and planned to do ten events in 2014. The ten events include development of China`s mining enterprises’ top ranking, establishment of the China Mining Industry Fund, launching program of “Looking for Best Mines” in CCTV to push forward the construction of green mines and harmonious mining area, exploring the establishment of mining equipment leasing model in the membership, establishing standard system of commercial mineral exploration and into practice, promoting the development of offshore survey qualification system in China, the implementation of promoting consultation and factors allocation for domestic and foreign commercial mineral exploration projects, transformation of China Mining network, the construction of  mining business information platform, fostering the harbor of international mining energy factor in Beijing, and the preparation of China Mining building.

Chen Xianda, vice president and secretary general of China Mining Association, made the working report of 2013. Mainly from these aspects, such as research on the major problems of mining development, practicing the foundation of "going out" international development policy, condensing enterprise consensus, promoting the mining development, advocating advanced industry culture, and the construction of mining spirit home, this report introduced the main work of China Mining Association in 2013 and   the key jobs of branches of China Mining Association this year.

This report indicated that according to the six-word policy “ increase income, reduce expenditure, arrange overall ” said by Xu Shaoshi, the president of China Mining Association, in 2013 China Mining Association deeply studied major issues of mining development, vigorously promoted the construction  of green mine and harmonious mining area, explored the establishment of  the demonstration base of international mining financial reform, expanded international exchanges and cooperation of mining, further played the role   of a bridge between the community and organizations, strived to provide  good service for mining industry, mining enterprises and the government management.

There were more than 500 people attending the conference including the heads of the relevant departments of the Ministry of land and Resources, provincial departments of Land and Resources and Geology and Mineral   Resources Bureau, the central geological exploration unit and the directors  of provincial (districts, cities) mining association, the president of presidium, standing directors and directors of the Fifth Council of China Mining Association, and the representatives of relevant member units, the head of Senior Minister Committee, the heads of each branches and professional committee, and the representatives of the relevant mining enterprises and geological prospecting units.(Zhang Li / Yang Qiuling) (Translated by TLRHVC)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2014 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on October 20-23, 2014. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 16th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2014, please visit: www.chinaminingtj.org.

Public service first, start the engine of geology
---from geological prospecting development forum

Source: www.mlr.gov.cn   Citation:www.gtzyb.com   Date: Nov.7, 2013

 “Public service first, Commerce following up, Foundation link, Monoblock exploration, Fast breakthrough” ——these were the core content of new mechanism of geological prospecting, putting forward by the Ministry of Land and Resources of China in 2010.Guided by the market mechanism, the new mechanism focused on building the diversified investment platform, giving full play to the principal role of geological prospecting units and mining enterprises and instructing them to engage in geological prospecting market.

To implement the new mechanism of geological prospecting, “public service” is the first step. We must focus on basic geological survey to support the strategic actions of prospecting breakthrough.

China Geological Survey (CGS) is responsible for the deployment, organization and implementation of the nation’s basic and public geological investigation and strategic mineral prospecting. In recent years, what new progresses had China Geological Survey made in the basic geological investigation? How to implement next? What were the achievements in the field of strategic mineral prospecting? In 2014, what assignments will be deployed in the survey and assessment of geology and mineral resources? To find the answers, a great many reporters and delegates attended the Forum of “Progress of China Mining reserves` evaluation——The Progress and Achievements in Geological Survey” at CHINA MINING 2013.

In the past year, China Geological Survey gave full play to the basic and leading role, strengthened the basic geological work, promoted the commercial geological survey, and made many breakthroughs in geological prospecting. They guaranteed and supported the strategic actions of prospecting breakthrough as the first important assignment, starting the engine of geological prospecting.

The great improvement in basic geological survey

The work of basic geological survey is mainly deployed in key metallogenic zones, important economic zones, major projects areas, primary geological problems areas and so on.

In 2013, according to the data, we completed the 1:50000 regional geology and mineral resources survey of 210,000 square kilometers, totally 2,830,000 square kilometers in the whole country, which covered 29.5% land area in China, completing the 1:250000 regional gravity survey of 240000 square kilometers ,totally 5480000 square kilometers in the whole country, covered 57.1% land area .

"In addition we have also developed 1:50000 regional gravity survey and many integrated geophysical work such as induced polarization sounding in Qimantage area, Qinghai Province and other Monoblock exploration areas, completing the 1: 50000 regional gravity survey within 20,000 square kilometers in Anshan -Benxi iron ore mine, Liaoning Province and other Monoblock exploration areas .”Xiao Guiyi, the deputy director of the China Geological Survey said.

According to his introduction, in 2013, China completed a variety of aero geophysical survey of 510,000 line kilometers, firstly carried out land and airborne gravity survey as well as helicopter time-domain airborne electromagnetic survey. We completed 1:250000 regional geochemical survey of 130000 square kilometers in East Tianshan, the greater hinggan mountains, Kang-ti-ssuShan, Bangong-co-nujiang and other key metallogenic zones, totally 6,330,000 square kilometers, accounting for 66% land area. In the greater hinggan mountains, East Tianshan and Bangong-co-nujiang, we developed 1:50000 geochemical survey demonstration of about 9,352 square kilometers.

"In the deployment, we focused on key metallogenic zones, priority arranged Monoblock exploration areas. The main task is to find out the regional geological characteristics and metallogenic geological background, delineate favorable prospecting zones and find the mineralization clues to indicate the direction for prospecting. ”Xiao Guiyi said.

Reporters also learned that in "twelfth five-year" period, the goal of the basic geological work is to achieve 1:250000 aeromagnetic, gravity, regional mineral exploration as well as the revision of regional geology and mineral resources survey in the key metallogenic zones within the whole country and to complete 1:50000 regional geology and mineral resources survey, aeromagnetic survey and remote sensing survey in Key prospecting target area. And in this year, we will basically complete 1:50000 basic geological surveys in the Monoblock exploration areas.

Increasingly support geological ore-prospecting work

In recent years, China Geological Survey had enhanced in 1:50000 regional geology and mineral resources survey in metallogenic zones, completing the survey of 50000 square kilometers in nearly three years which increased the work degree in major metallogenic zones by 17%, achieving original results in such aspects as strata, rock, tectonic and so on, submitting a batch of high quality datum. To serve the prospecting, we also strengthened the regional metallogenic geological background investigation, ore-forming geological conditions analysis, new mineralized spot and prospecting clues found and painting the important ore-forming elements.   

“In 2013, we found more than 590 new mineralized spots; found out the regional geological characteristics and new discoveries of geophysical prospecting background in 4,162 areas; verified 218 geophysical anomalies and 56 geochemical anomalies; delineated 309 comprehensive geochemical anomalies.” XiaoGuiYi introduced.

In the aspect of regional geology and mineral resources survey, they found 32 mineralized spots in bangong co-nujiang suture zone of Tibet and many other mineralized spots in the complex - mountain areas such as Ritu-Fuye, Duobuza, which proved the west-middle section of bangong co-nujiang suture zone was a continuous magmatic arc metallogenic zone with huge potential; found 63 mineralized spots in marginal metallogenic belt of Qaidam Basin, including 24 copper polymetallic mineralized spots.

In the aspect of geophysical prospecting, they completed the 1:50000 integrated geophysical survey, marking out the four prospecting target areas; and combined with 1:10000 gravity and polarization sounding survey in these areas, deducing the two key mining areas, in which they had found the good ore body after the engineering validation.

At the same time, China Geological Survey had conducted many basic and comprehensive geological research work in the metallogenic zones, having the new understanding of the basic regional geologic issues, pointing out the direction for prospecting.

In 2013, according to a new survey data, the bureau re-established 21 important regional Geological-tectonic frameworks in the major metallogenic zones, prepared a list of the lithostratigraphic space-time structure and magmatic rocks space-time structure, established the stratigraphic system and magma evolution sequence. In the metallogenic zones they completed the revision of the 21 geological maps, geophysical and geochemical series maps, remote sensing maps and so on, all of which realized the continuously and timely updating of the basic geological data.

According to the introduction, in "twelfth five-year" period, the bureau planned to complete the geology revisions and series datum compilations in 32 provincial regions, carrying out the compilations of the main organic belts and the national geology, completing the geological relics survey and the investigation of geological relics protection plan.

The three-dimensional (3D) geological survey pilot went smoothly

Geology survey changed from two dimensions to three dimensions, representing China Geological Survey’s work had been changed from single and traditional to comprehensive and modern, which was of great significance.

Since 2012, China Geological Survey had hierarchically deployed different types of 3D geological survey pilot projects, which had made many substantive achievements recently.

"The focus of the deployment in 3D pilot is divided into five aspects, including the earth`s crust structure areas, basins, important metallogenic zones, important economic zones and environment fragile areas." XiaoGuiYi introduced.

By drawing up the plan of three-dimensional pilot, China Geological Survey summed up the overall workflow of 3D geological survey and found out the preliminary ideas of 3D geological modeling.

According to his introduction, 3D geological modeling approach is a geological concept model based on the known basic geological survey, constructing the initial geological model firstly; forming the final geological structure model after it has been verified by drilling. At the same time, the initial geophysical model is built by the existing data. Geophysical model combined with geological structure model constructed the three-dimensional information, so as to establish 3D geological information service system.

At present, the pilot projects had made many progress: in Xiangshan volcanic basin, they preliminarily had built the 3D geological concept model according to 1:50000 mapping and geophysical data; in the hills region of Karamay,3D geological model of the integrated area in Baijiantan basin mountain had been preliminary built according to the 1:250000 surface mapping data and geophysical profile data…...

"3D geological modeling is an iterative process." XiaoGuiYi finally added, "we are promoting the reformation of the basic geological survey from traditional to modern, from single to comprehensive, from 2D to 3D in the new stage.”

New progress in international science and technology cooperation

China Geological Survey has always attached great importance to international cooperation in the field of geological science and technology since it was built. They focus on resources and environment, improving major problem solving capacity and the innovative ability of science and technology as the core, carrying out various kinds of international exchanges and cooperation methodically and regionally.

According to the introduction of Lian Changyun, Deputy Director, The Ministry of External Affairs of Science and Technology, China Geological Survey Bureau, the key areas in international cooperation were the regional geological mapping, series of geological datum compilations, investigation and study of geological conditions and metallogenic regularity, geological investigation and resource evaluation methods, geochemical mapping, groundwater exploration, geological disaster governance, investigation of Marine and coastal zone research, geography information technology, the moon`s geology and so on. So far, the Bureau had signed the project cooperation agreements with nearly 50 countries.

According to his introduction, in CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2013, China Geological Survey would also sign the cooperation agreements with the related department of many other countries such as Australia, Canada, Brazil, Sudan, and Serbia.

At the same time, China Geological Survey also has made new progress in international cooperation projects. According to the preliminary statistics, the bureau had completed and developed nearly 100 international cooperation projects, among them, there were about 50 developing projects. Through the joint efforts of the Chinese and foreign experts, we had made a few progress in the aspects of data acquisition, cooperation investigation and social service, etc.

So far, The agency has collected all kinds of mineral materials abroad more than 10000 copies,self- compiled and cooperatively compiled more than 100 basic geology and mineral resources maps, more than 200 regional metallogenic regularity maps, about 300 geochemical maps and 500 remote sensing maps.

Lian Changyun also introduced that the bureau had hosted the seminar of Foreign aid geological mining 10 times, training more than 400 officials from 77 countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America since 2004. This year, they undertaked technical training course 3 times, enrolled 64 students from more than a dozen countries.

He also said that in the next step, the key work of the international cooperation was to develop the technology of mineral resources survey and evaluation, promote the method of covering area and depth areas prospecting, mineral resources utilization technology, regional metallogenic theory and the international cooperation investigation of metallogenic model. They would strengthen geological disaster monitoring, early warning and management research and clearance of geological disaster risk management, emergency system and international cooperation in the field of ecological management.

Steady progress in the survey and assessment of geological and mineral resources

Since 2010, China Geological Survey was responsible for organizing and implementing the survey and assessment of geology and mineral resources and has achieved a series of new progress, new achievements and new breakthroughs.

On the basis of the systematic summary and analysis of the major national requirements, the Ministry of Land and Resources of China decided to continue to conduct the survey and assessment of geology and mineral resources from 2013 to 2020.

According to the introduction of Wu Guangying, Deputy Director, China Geological Survey Bureau Chief Engineer Department, there were nine big tasks in the project of survey and assessment of geology and mineral resources, which were the basic geological investigation in key metallogenic zones, survey and assessment of energy and resources, investigation and evaluation of important mineral resources, investigation and evaluation of deep and periphery mineral resources in old mines, geological investigation in important economic zones and urban agglomerations, monitoring and early warning of geological hazard, technology support and international cooperation of geology survey, Marine geological survey, and information construction and service.

"The goal is to increase the degree of basic geological survey, improve work support capacity and scientific and technological innovation capacity, promote the geological prospecting breakthrough and ensure the safety of geological environment." He said.

In CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2013, he mainly introduced the overall deployment in regard to the survey and assessment of geology and mineral resources.

According to the China Geological Survey, in 2014, they will make the key metallogenic zones as the units, divide the monoblock exploration areas, the prospecting prospect areas and metallogenic zone into three levels, make overall deployments of regional geophysical survey, regional geochemical survey, regional remote sensing geology survey and the mineral prospection investigation. They will also make the large basins such as Tarim, Tibetan (qiangtang) as the units, mainly conduct the basic geological survey and comprehensive evaluation of oil and gas resources; in addition, they will carry out shale gas survey and evaluation, optimization and technical research of shale gas, etc.,

Expansion in the scope of basic geological information service

One of the main duties and responsibilities of China Geological Survey was to provide basis geological information for national economic and social development as well as provide public services to the society.

In order to better play the role of the basic geological information and further expand the service scope, China Geological Survey organized to make a series of public version geological maps and publish to the society.

The public version of the geological map series contain 1: 500000, 1: 200000, 1:250000 geological maps, 1:250000 geological formations and structure maps, 1:200000 hydrological geological maps, and the corresponding spatial database, etc.

It was reported that these geological maps retained all important basic geological information; data accuracy was as same as the original scale; the user could easily obtain graphics vector data and attribute information of geological elements. Users could browse the web site after logging in www.cgs.gov.cn or http://www.ngac.cn, and also could use their identity cards to claim for the directly printed grid maps and the spatial database containing the vector data.

In addition, in order to better provide the service for geological survey in monoblock exploration areas throughout the country, China Geological Survey focused on making some special service products of monoblock exploration areas, including geological data directory, geological bibliography, full-text database and important geological drilling directory.

 “Next, we will continue to strengthen socialized service work by using the geological survey achievements, accelerate the process of public the geological survey achievements on Internet, and gradually made public version of geophysical and geochemical data, as well as public version of environmental geological maps and ecological geological maps, etc.,” Chen Hui, Deputy Director of Chief Engineer`s Office, China Geological Survey said. (Zhang Li) (Translated by TLRHVC)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2014 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on October 20-23, 2014. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 16th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2014, please visit: www.chinaminingtj.org.

Reduce expenditure to promote eco-civilization

Source: www.mlr.gov.cn  Citation: www.chinamining.com.cn  Date: Nov.7, 2013

Recently, with mineral resources saving and sustainable development of comprehensive utilization, the related forum was one of the most popular forum in China Mining naturally. Last year mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization forum which was held for the first time in China Mining would be still the key forum in this session.

“The success of mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization is closely linked with advanced and applied technology. Recently, the country devotes major efforts to encourage and support mining enterprises to innovate and adopt advanced techniques, especially for many scientific research institutions and mining enterprises to develop a great quantity of advanced and applied technology under the guide of mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization. We can exchange advanced techniques and popularize related experience in forum, which is significant for promoting the course of mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization.” said the chair Yao Huajun, rector, Chinese Academy of Land & Resource Economics.

Resources Saving Enforced

“China attaches great importance to mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization, not only for taking up the challenge that special resource in national conditions and special developing period raises, but also in view of comprehensive consideration of environment protection and economy promotion.” said Xu Dachun, Vice Director, Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves.

Mineral resources were the important material base to support national economy. The exploitation of China’s mineral resources supplied the important material base for economic and social rapid development since the implementation of openness and reform policy over the past 30 years. China has built an affluent society in a critical stage. New-type of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization pushed on synchronously and quickly. And the resources demanded centralized release, therefore supply failed to meet the demand. Especially per capita consumption of resources and high quality resources were short, and proved reserves of mineral resources merely accounted for 58% of average consumption level in the world. In addition, there is a great quantity lean, associated mineral, refractory resource. Based on current national conditions, it went a step further to sharpen contradiction between Resource Demand and Supply.

In terms of iron store, China is the world’s fourth largest iron store resources country, but the low level of the exploitation was difficult to meet the needs of national economy developing quickly. The exploitation of iron store resource was extremely difficult, which was the main problem. The proved reserves of iron store resources which are congenitally deficient are up to 74.4 billion tons. Lean iron ore nearly accounted for 97% and average grade merely accounted for 33%; mining crystal granularity was in small particles and complicated to pick out; a great quantity associated minerals made comprehensive utilization hard; mini-medium deposits were rich and dispersed, which regulated the exploitation scale.

“Lean iron ores constitutes the overwhelming majority in China, and the exploitation techniques and management modes of them are short of systematic study and blazing new trails. And the problem of industry utilization on a large scale is not solved effectively, which is the basic reason of problem. China is the world’s fastest-growing major economy, and contradiction is still more outstanding. Therefore, advancing iron store resources highly effective exploitation and achieving sustainable development are a significant and urgent strategic mission.” said Shao Anlin, Vice-Chairman, Anshan Iron & Steel Corporation.

“The reality that basic national condition is not changed, the stage of development is not exceeded and eco-civilization must be pushed on, make us not follow the beaten track over consumable resources, and hold high the saving and intensive banner and follow a saving and intensive utilization new way.” said Xu Dachun.

However, Facing with increasing resource constraints, severe environmental pollution and a deteriorating ecosystem, the government of China looked far ahead from a high plane and put forward a new setup, namely, "Five in One" in time. We should make great efforts to promote ecological progress and resource conservation which is an important way to protect the ecological environment. So to speak, economic transition promoting and solving overcapacity, in this macro background, mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization met unprecedented development opportunity undoubtedly.

Resources’ saving was an important way to protect the ecological environment and also an urgent demand to promoting and developing circulation economy. Xu Dachun thought that the key to make great efforts to achieve the development goals in 2020 was to promote economic transition, stack up the bonus of reformation, the potential of domestic demand, the innovation vigor to form motive force, and make the quality and efficiency, employment and income, environmental protection and resource saving promote, further to build an updated version of China`s economy.

According to the circular economic development strategy and the objective requirement of the recent action plan, the output of China`s energy will be 14,700 RMB per ton of standard coal by 2015 and 18.5% higher than that of 2010; the total recovery rate of mineral resources will be 40% and 5% higher than that of 2010; the rate of associated mineral ore comprehensive utilization rate will be 45% and 5% higher than that of 2010; a large amount of industrial solid waste comprehensive utilization rate will amount to 3.126 billion tons and 93.2% higher than that of 2010; the rate of industrial solid waste comprehensive utilization rate will be 72% and 3% higher than that of 2010. All of these put forward the new higher request to mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization.

At the same time, resources saving was also an urgent demand to solve overcapacity contradiction. Recently, notice of the State Council on issuing “the directing advice of solving overcapacity contradiction”, had pointed out explicitly solving overcapacity contradiction that was focal point of the work of promoting industrial structure adjustment in the current and future. We should give full scope to enterprise market and strengthen enterprise responsibility consciousness; strengthen market supplying and demanding trends and information guide; comprehensively utilize the integrated legal, economic and the necessary means of macroeconomic regulation and control; strengthen policy coordination and formation of resolving contradictions; form resultant force of solving overcapacity contradiction and guide the healthy development of industry.

"Iron and steel, cement, electrolytic aluminum are the key, which are closely related to the development and utilization of resources. Therefore, we should strengthen saving and comprehensive utilization of development link and eliminate backward capacity." Xu Dachun said.

Incentive and constraint mechanism increasingly sound

According to the special resource conditions and the special stage of development, Chinese government regarded saving and intensive utilization of mineral resources as the major strategy of deployment. Recently, Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves as the competent department of mineral resources, in accordance with the overall train of thought that is the public service innovation, strengthening supervision and management, with the investigating situation, building standards, promoting technology and grasping the implementation as the main line, stimulating the creativity of market main body and strengthening endogenous power of saving and comprehensive utilization of endogenous power, developed work creatively with the support from the financial sector, trades union and mining enterprises; applied comprehensively the economic policy, technology policy and necessary administrative measures; constantly perfected incentive and constraint mechanism of mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization; created a new situation.

We should fully give play to the role of policy guidance, arouse and enhance the creativity of mining enterprise, which is the key of our country recently. In 2010, Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves organized and implemented the special mineral resources of saving and comprehensive utilization, started and constructed the first set of 40 demonstration base of comprehensive utilization. It awarded 1045 mining enterprises who had made outstanding achievements of "three rates" higher levels and mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization, and supported 408 key projects of the comprehensive utilization. The central government has allocated 9.522 billion Yuan for special funds in the past three years. At the same time, Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves specified the compensation levy; strictly determined the coefficient of mining recovery rate; specified the charge of the minerals sales income; strengthened the link-up between mineral resources compensation levy and mining recovery rate coefficient; gave full play to the guidance and adjustment of the mining recovery rate coefficient.

"This is an important attempt to economic incentives in the field of mining resources, giving full play to the leverage effect of fiscal funds and greatly promoting the enthusiasm of the mining enterprises to carry out the saving and comprehensive utilization." Xu Dachun said. In order to strengthen the supervision and administration of the special item of mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization and improve the availability factor of public funds, Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves and Ministry of Finance carried out the evaluation object that gave special award for outstanding work about saving and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources, and making target, standard and procedure of evaluation clearly.

The special item of mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization played the positive effects. The 704 mining enterprises which got great special awards had improved the level of the "three rates" through positive improving techniques and process, which had increased sales income nearly 200 billion Yuan recently. The 408 demonstration projects drove enterprise to invest nearly 50 billion Yuan, which produced a huge demonstration effect, improved the level of the mineral resources comprehensive utilization, and revitalized a batch of reserves.

The technical policy was also increasing constantly. Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves issued "the notice of extending the use of advanced technology to improve the level of saving and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources”. We intensified the efforts on project funding support. Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves would award the honorary and the prior arrangement of protection project compensation of mineral resource and related special item in applying advanced technology in the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities for the mine that obtained the remarkable achievements in applying advanced technology popularization. At the same time, Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves also reduced mineral resources compensation for saving and comprehensive utilization of mining resources in accordance with the law; strengthened related policy support; applied advanced technology popularization and the result was regarded as model county (city) assessment criteria of saving and intensive of land and resources.

Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves also issued 99 directories in the promotion of advanced suitable technology in two times, introducing the key areas, scope of application, basic principle, technical index, typical cases of the advanced technology popularization and providing reference for the mining enterprise; promulgated the important target demand of mineral "three rates", making the way of rational development and apply mineral resources clear, the "three rates” index as a basis for forming mining design and development plan and important standards of approval and yearly check of the mining right.

"We set the ‘three rates’ index that is very scientific and reasonable. About 70% ~ 80% enterprises can achieve, 10% ~20% of them achieving through the efforts, and about 10% ~ 15% of them achieving through technological transformation. The enterprises whose rectify and reform can’t reach the standard will be sifted out.” Xu Dachun said, "in 2013, we carried out the research of nine types of minerals "three rates” including the oil and gas, iron, copper, lead, zinc, fluorite, rare earth and potassium. At present, we are asking for criticisms and have planned to release by the end of this year. We strive for establishing standard system of the important mineral resources reasonable development and utilization in 2 to 3 years."

The development and apply of advanced suitable technology promoted the improvement of the level of mineral "three rates". Anshan type containing carbonate ore efficient flotation technology research of Anshan mining company was listed as demonstration project of national mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization by flotation process step by step, solving difficult problem to sort containing carbonate hematite, and providing the technical support for the retrieve use of domestic large containing carbonate iron ore. At present, the carbonate iron ore were selected 2 million tons per year and earned 234 million Yuan in Anshan mining company.

"The quantity of low grade ore and extremely lean ore resources in our country is extremely large. We abandoned them as rock in the past. Recently, we have developed the primary technology and dry separation technology. The retrieve use of low grade ore and extremely lean ore each year have reached more than 12 million tons per year, being equivalent to the output of a large iron mines." Shao Anlin said.

Hubei Sanxin Gold and Copper Co., Ltd. carried out supervision and management on geology, mining, mineral processing, and the whole sales process. It relied on scientific and technological progress and innovation, constantly perfecting the acquisition technology and process, improving the technical and economic indicators and the level of "three rates", and promoting the saving and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources. Liu Chengping who was the company deputy general manager said that the company had formed the advanced and mature selected technology and management experience; "three rates" index was substantially higher than the initial design indicators; recovery rate increased by 6%; dilution rate reduced by 6%; ore dressing recovery rate of gold and copper increased by 5% and 2% respectively; was in a lead condition in the similar mines of the whole country; had achieved fruitful results in terms of resource saving and comprehensive utilization; had created the remarkable economic and social benefit through the development in recent years.

Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves also created constantly management measures and established mining right checking yearly and mineral supervision was reported to the online system. In order to strengthen the base of mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization, Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves also had carried out the “three rates" research of oil, coal, iron, copper, lead and zinc, gold, potash 22 important mineral resources. It had mastered comprehensively the basic situation of enterprises, mine reserves, mining technical condition, mining, beneficiation, tailings and waste utilization, and the new technology, and having established recovery rate in mining, ore dressing recovery rate and selecting comprehensive recovery three single index, and associated mineral resources comprehensive utilization and mineral resources comprehensive utilization of two comprehensive index as the core of saving and comprehensive utilization of evaluation index system, which further perfect the unified evaluation index and standards, providing the bases for establishing target system, evaluation method and rewards and punishment mechanism to meet the requirement of ecological civilization.

Up to July 31, the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities have completed the outwork research, examining and approving data, and on-the-spot investigation of the national 22 kinds of important mineral resources of the "three rates" field survey. Now we were collecting and analyzing the data. The provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) had submitted the data bank to Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves for antecedent trail. According to statistics, about 14000 mining enterprises were investigated, including about 8200 coal mines, and nearly 5700 metal and nonmetal mines.

"This is the first time since the founding of new China to carry out comprehensive utilization present situation investigation. Through the investigation, we can find out the present situation of development and utilization of important mineral resources in our country basically, evaluate scientifically rational development and utilization level, strengthen work base of the management, protection and rational development and utilization supervision of mineral resources, and provide the basis for perfecting the policy of saving and intensive utilization of mineral resources.”Xu Dachun said.

On August 2, Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves issued “compiling the important mineral resources ‘three rates’ survey and appraisal report and official letter of results of acceptance work”. At present, Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves was organizing the compiling the important mineral resources "three rates" survey and appraisal report and official letter of results of acceptance work in the provinces.

In order to further promote saving and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources, Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves strengthened the service function. We can set up advanced technology information sharing platform, organizing experience exchange conference and on-site meeting, hold academician forum, and set up column of comprehensive utilization of advanced technology popularization through the web site. We can propagate advanced techniques popularizing policy, standard, work progress and advanced model, introduce the basic situation of the applicable scope of popularizing advanced technology and technical parameters, and serve the production, study, research and use positively. The enterprise can find suitable technology, let advanced technology ,find suitable enterprises, improve the rate of transform and popularize advanced suitable technology.

To build a long-term mechanism is imminent

In recent years, our country`s mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization had made significant achievements, but progress is uneven. There was still a big gap compared with advanced countries.  How to build a long-term mechanism to ensure the work to advance this task in healthy and last way was no doubt becoming the urgent matter.

Firstly, we should build incentive and constraint system with an emphasis on economic policy, and synthesizing economic, administrative, technical and legal. According to the "investigating situation, building standards, promoting technology and grasping the implementation" train of thought, we should do a good job in "three rates" survey and evaluation, standard system perfect, advanced technology popularization, etc; explore and establish the system that the level of development and utilization linked up with the mining land examination and approval, and strengthen the policy implementing; establish actively assessment method, rewards and punishment mechanism of the protection and rational utilization of mineral resources to reflect the requirement of ecological civilization.

At the same time, we should carry out the main responsibility of the enterprise saving and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources. Protection and rational development and utilization of mineral resources was a legal obligation that mining enterprise should perform. Mining enterprises need increase investment and talent training, and apply advanced technology new equipment to continuously improve the level of development and utilization of mineral resources. And the local governments and Dept of Mineral Resources Reserves should support and encourage the exchanges and cooperation of the backbone mining enterprises with scientific research institutes, establishing workstation for academician experts, forming advanced suitable technology innovation platform of a batch of mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization, and speeding up the common key technology research and promotion.

And every department of land and resources should make innovation in administrative way, strengthening the supervision and management, improving service levels, and promoting the construction of important mineral "three rates" index in-depth; start using mining right checking yearly online system and improve efficiency and quality; establish mineral  supervision online system and perfect mineral supervisor reporting institution, and establishing the regulatory system of "responsibility to people and tasks to mining, regular supervision"  in large and medium-sized mines.

"Saving and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources is an important content of construction of ecological civilization, one of the important gripper to drive mineral resource utilization way to transform, and the requirement to realize the sustainable and healthy development of economy and society." Xu Dachun said, "at present, China is still in the very important period of strategic opportunities, mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization exist broad space for development. We must grab from basic and start from the standard. Starting with technology, we constantly establish and perfect the incentive constraints mechanism, fully arouse the enthusiasm of mining enterprises, and conscientiously promote the sustainable and healthy development of mining industry. Promoting the construction of ecological civilization and building the beautiful China, we realize the great Chinese dream." (Wang Qiongjie) (Translated by TLRHVC)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2014 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on October 20-23, 2014. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 16th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2014, please visit: www.chinaminingtj.org.

Starting with hope, loaded harvest home
A small note on Hunan Province’ delegation on CHINA MINING 2013

Sources: www.mlr.gov.cn    Citation: www.chinamining.com.cn   Date: Nov.7th.2013

As the saying goes, Flowers may look as the same as the time goes by, but people are not of the same with each passing year. In the latest years of
CHINA MINING, Hunan provincial department of land resources has always been the biggest fan..They come to Tianjin with hundreds of team members every year

In CHINA MINING 2013, Hunan Province continue to follow the "highest level of leadership led" Participation tradition. Wang Shanking, the head of Hunan delegation, one of the Party members and the deputy director of Hunan Provincial Department said to journalists: ‘Nearly a hundred participants from Hunan attended this conference, which has a total of 46 domestic and 8 overseas cooperating projects.

Huge lineup and bright booth 

The annual CHINA MINING was not only a platform for the exchanges and cooperation among the parties, but also provides a big stage for different participants and especially the exhibitors to show themselves. Known as the “Non-ferrous Metal tow" , Hunan delegation has more than 90 participants, formed by some subordinate units, branches in several city’s land resources bureau, as well as four state-owned mining enterprises and the related geological exploration. Among all the delegations come to CHINA MINING,  the number of participants ranked the first.

“Meanwhile, Hunan province’s booth is very unique, besides remaining a giant portrait of the great man “Mao Zedong”. the participants of the Provincial Geological Prospecting Bureau, Bureau of Coal Geology, Mineral Exploration Bureau, Nuclear Industry Geological Bureau have also flaunted their cards and strength. Lots of great mining exploration results, lots of brilliant achievements, showcased by detailed illustration, which attracts many representatives. After Sun Chunlan, the CPC Central Committee, Party Secretary of Tianjin and Jiang Daming, the minister and party secretary Ministry of Land and  visited the booth of Hunan Province happily , they held Wang Shamming’s hands and said affectionately : “Hunan booth did well, and it is very unique!”

“Our province has always put great importance on CHINA MINING and , organize all units and participants every time.” Chen Junjie, director of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Technology of Hunan Provincial department said:” Fang Xianzhi, the director in general personally instructed the organization of the delegation to CHINA MINING and Wang Shanming, the deputy director personally organizes and leads the team. We developed an unified plan, which includes allocating specialized funds for the arrangements and deployment, organizing people from the four state-owned mining ionizations and the relative geological exploration enterprises.

More preparationmore gain

“Joining CHINA MINING each year, our idea was not only lies on the display of Hunan’s new image, but also on the real harvest.” Obviously, Hunan provincial department of land resources prepared more for this meeting. They brought the 46 projects inland and 8 projects overseas to search for cooperation and development.

‘Hunan Province is rich in natural resources itself, especially in the field of nonferrous metals, it ranked in the nation, Meanwhile, Hunan is also a province which has the problems of extremely unreasonable distribution of resources, especially in short of coal and iron ore and depends on foreign resources greatly. One the one hand, we have to enhance the effort in mineral finding by expanding the searching area within and outside the province and actively `going out` to explore mines overseas, on the other hand do a good job of deep processing and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources, establish the green mining and circular development of economy in order to fully increase the efficiency of utilizing resources. “ Wang Shanming said,  who was in charge in a mining city, familiar with Mining Industry.” This deputy director of Hunan department of Land Resources also said:”Minister Jiang Daming proposed an idea of accelerating the upgrading of the mining industry, this is a new request about Mining Industry for both Hunan and China. In fact, Hunan has made some great process in the field of building Eco-friendly mines and comprehensive utilizing the mineral resources; Waste resources such as coal gangue and gas from coal mine, steel scraps have been fully utilized in iron and steel Industry.”

In order to enhance and upgrade the abilities of mining development, we have to base on the innovation and enhancement of management. Especially in the domestic mining, by relying on scientific innovation and creativity in the management, increase the efficiency of resource recovery and utilization, so that we can minimize the wasting of resources. Wang Shanming indicates, “Mining Industry should be more reasonable in structure, to combine the mineral resources and the economic development, we couldn’t have the ‘broken legs’. Through CHINA MINING, we should be able to capture more opportunities in cooperation, so that we can make up for our deficiencies, and achieve the adjustment and upgrading of mining economic structure.’

For Yang Zhengcun, Secretary of the Department of Land Resources of Xiang Xi, attending such an international mining industry conference, he got a lot of information, policies and opportunities about mining industry, which has vast importance to a poor and remote area like Xiang Xi to actualize a coordinated development of mining economy and ecological environment.

“Xiangxi is rich in mineral resource and one of the first 47 exploration areas, known as a ‘manganese city’ and a ’vanadium sea’, it has a lot of resources like lead-zinc ore and shale gas. Especially the lead-zinc ore has the amount of 14.07 million tons existing resources with its future storage exceeding 20 million. Large amount of lead-zinc ore found caused great repercussions around the nation, which made Xiangxi a second place in the result of finding mine in five major geological areas within China in 2011, and the first place in the results of top 10 finding mines within the China Geological Survey Bureau.   It has four areas in shale gas, accounting for 1/6 of the country.” Yang Zhengcun suddenly changed the subjects and said again: “As for Xiang Xi, mines give us the hope and the danger at the same time. Over the years, the  mining industry accounts 1/3 in local industry economic output, and 1/2 in total fiscal revenue, if the mining industry are not totally utilized, it will cause a huge resource wasting and environmental damage. It will be a huge loss for Xiangxi, which has always a good ecological resource. We should take advantage of this opportunity of attending CHINA MINING, so that we get a better understanding about the trend of mining economy, and related policies and laws, better use and exploit the mining resources, reaching a scientific and sustainable economic development.

‘Xiangxi region is formed by 14 congregated poverty areas of the nation, strengthening the geological mining finding and development, protecting mining resources can take the advantage of resources, and turn it into the advantage of economy, which is lively practice of poverty alleviation in the mining industry area.’ Yang Zhengcun said. 

Finding opportunities by capturing information

For most of geological exploration organizations who attended the conference, the more direct purpose of the participation is to seek more cooperation in the development and opportunities.

The four main state-owned organizations of mine, nonferrous metals, coal and nuclear industry are the main force in geological mining finding, and also considered as a huge mainstay in the process of “going out” overseas. Many of its subordinate geological teams came to the conference, also have left their brochures and name cards, so that more domestic and international counterparts can get to know and understand them.

Great priority has been given by the Bureau of Coal Geology from Hunan province, Lin Zhongxiang, the director in general of the Bureau escorted the counterparts and other related organizations visiting around. He told the journalist it was a great pleasure to take part in such a global conference, it hasd the significance to raise the horizon, graspe the situation of international mining, especially, the new trends in the field of geological exploration.

Bureau of Coal Geology of Hunan is the main organization of studying the shale gas explorationn and also the vanguard for "gasification in Hunan". Lin Zhongxiang said that in the international community, especially in the United States, shale gas was a very hot project under a quick development. But in China, especially in Hunan, with its complex geological conditions, we must strengthen the theoretical study and the basic investigation to master in a reliable and first-hand information. Currently, the main existing problems to develop shale gas are about, 1. Machinery and equipment and core tech are not stable, resulting in high costs, which is not conductive to the industrial development; 2. Incomplete basic geological information was not grasped, many works need to be done in the geographical exploration; 3. There is no effective coordination between national and local place, we need to build a combination between the central and local departments, government and enterprises, including the construction of networks, we must take advantages of the funds of central enterprises, technology from other countries, theories come from researching organizations, power of human resources from geological explorations, it is not wise to blindly import equipment and technology.

"To participate in such a meeting to listen to the shale gas forum, it is significantly to us, especially in grasping the development of current trend, acquaintance the latest technology, better utilization of the shale gas, etc. it also provides us better information for future development.

In fact, like Lin Zhongxiang, many of the geological prospecting organizations were holding the same idea. Chen Junjie said, “CHINA MINING provides us a good wide platform for the state-owned geological organizations to “go out” and look for partners and realize a win-win development. In the last CHINA MINING, geological exploration organization reached 21 intents and agreements; this year’s achievements may be more than the last year’s." (Wang Qiongjie.) (Translated by TLRHVC)


As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2014 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on October 20-23, 2014. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 16th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2014, please visit: www.chinaminingtj.org.

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