Four overseas mining acquisition funds jointly established

Source:  Date: October 26, 2015

CHINA MINING 2015 witnessed the establishment of three mining funds and signing of a series strategic cooperation agreements by mining giants including Beijing International Mining City, Beijing International Mining Exchange, Sprott Group and Shandong Zhaojin Group. Mr. Zhong Ziran, Director of China Geological Survey, attended the signing ceremony.

The International Mining Value Discovery Fund was jointly initiated by Shandong Zhaojin Group, Sprott Group and Beijing International Mining City to mainly invest in precious metals in countries including Canada, the United States and Australia and securities of listed company relating with non-ferrous metal minerals.

BMZJ (Beijing Mining City and Zhaojin Group) Short-term Mining Financing Fund was jointly initiated by Zhaojin Resources, a subsidy of Zhaojin Group, Beijing International Mining Exchange and Beijing International Mining City Capital Management, a unit of Beijing International Mining City. With a total fund of RMB 5billion, the Fund focused on providing short-term financing backed by mining right, equity or asset, to domestic mining companies that own high quality asset and are in need of financing but are not capable for bank loan.

ZJSH(Zhaojin-Shenghua) Overseas Resources Acquisitions Fund was jointly initiated by Zhaojin Resources and Shenghua Capital Management, one of Beijing International Mining City’s capital operating platforms. With a planned scale of $5billion, the fund had raised its first asset of $500million. The fund would focus on overseas non-ferrous metal and precious metal mineral projects and companies. Coordinating with other funds of the two companies, it would take advantage of the sluggish mining industry and make mergers and acquisitions of overseas high-quality mining projects as well as provide asset for domestic mining companies to make overseas mergers and acquisitions.

Zhong Ziran indicated that China is not only a big source of demand for mineral resources but also a big investor now. He affirmed the cooperation model between Sprott Group and Beijing International Mining City and welcomed foreign mining-oriented capital management companies like Sprott Group to establish long-term strategic partnership of mutual trust with China’s mining companies and to boost China`s economic growth and help China’s mining companies to expand business overseas. 

Mr. Peter Grosskopf, CEO of Canadian Sprott Group, proposed that Sprott Group would be happy to make open cooperation and establish long-term strategic partnership of mutual trust with China’s mining industries.(Liu Aiying / Pei Lei)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises. For more information about CHINA MINING, please visit:

Ministers from ten countries and regions presented at the CHINA MINING 2015

Source:   Citation:  Date: October 26, 2015

The Mining Ministers Forum was held by Mr. Wangmin, vice minister of the Ministry of Land and Resources, PRC, at Tianjin Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center on the morning of Oct 22, 2015. Mining ministers and vice ministers from 10 countries and regions delivered speeches at the forum, introduced mineral resources situation, mining policies and investment advantages of each country and region and made analysis on the current features and development trends of the mining industry.

The Hon. Mr. AtoTolesa Shagi Moty, State Minister for Mines of Ethiopia, was the first one delivered the speech. He stated that Ethiopia is rich in mineral resources and they are the basis of industry development. “Gold is the major source of foreign exchange for Ethiopia. In the south Ethiopia, the annually exported gold ores reaches 5tons and there are also some exploitation projects in the north and west Ethiopia where is famous for its well- developed phosphorus resource. While the east Ethiopia is rich in mineral resources, most of the region is yet to be exploited.” He said.

Other delegates also introduced the mineral situation in each state and region. Fairly stable political system and sound mining legal system as well as well-implemented mineral laws consists of advantages of Eritrea and which benefit the cooperation between stakeholders. Besides, most regions in Eritrea are yet to be exploited. There are abundant ruby and sapphire deposits in Greenland. And in the south Greenland, there are two large rare earth mineral areas which are applying for exploitation license. Iron ores, coal mines, vanadium ores, zinc ores, tungsten ores, niobium ores and other mineral resources are widely spread in Greenland. The mining industry accounts for the bulk of Peru economy, with the proportion topped 57%. Peru is rich in lead and zinc ores, tin ores cooper ores and silver ores and its foreign investment in 2013 topped at $9.7 billion,$1.1 billion more than that of 2014.Advocating the sustainable development of mining industry, government of Peru has carried out polices about environmental protection, environmental assessment, environmental risks and provide preferential tax policies so as to encourage foreign investors to fulfill the commitment and protect the environment. 

Wang Min said, 10 countries and regions had created favorable conditions for global mining investment and cooperation. The success of the forum embodied our desire for and confidence in deepen communication and cooperation and indicated the great potential and prospects of international mining cooperation.(Liu Aiying)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises. For more information about CHINA MINING, please visit:

The slowdown mining industry amid China’s New Normal Economy
---Experts’ views on mining industry prospect

Source:   Citation:  Date: October 26, 2015

On Oct 21, 2015, the 17th CHINA MINING Congress and Expo was held in Tianjin. In the afternoon, just after the open ceremony, it drizzled in the rustling and howling autumn wind just as been deliberately arranged, which seemed to make the current sluggish mining market more “chilly”.  

As the theme of the conference, “New Normal, New Opportunities, New Development” is a series of progressive wishes and hope despite of pessimistic market views, which evidently showed the organizer’s intentions and wishes about the conference.

Undoubtedly, China’s economy outlook had become the focal point of the conference, at least no one would expect to see a sluggish China. It is for certain that the new normal economic transformation of China who had once shouldered the rigid demands of the global mining industry, had struck the sensitive nerves of global mining industry.

Mr. Jiang Daming, minister of China Land and Resources, pointed out at the opening ceremony that at present, the global economy recovery lacked drive, investment declined, market volatility had exacerbated and the downward pressure was growing.

“In face of the complicate surroundings, we should be more determined and take concerted effort to encounter difficulties than any time before.” Wang said, “We should work in concert to discover the growth potentials, development opportunities and cooperation of global mining industries and advance the recovery and sound development of mining industry with greater determination and courage.” 

Jiang Daming noted that with continued development of economic globalization, world multi-polarization and social informatization, it is our common goal and obligation to build a sustained and robust, inclusive, future-oriented global mining industry.

Jiang said,with the support of good long-term economic fundamentals, China’s mining industry and the global mining industry still have great development potential. With a growing demand for new energy, new materials because of the coming global new industrial revolution, the global economic transformation will bring in more opportunities for mining industry. 

However, authorities’ great confidence about the future of mining industry failed to dispel doubts in the field.

Mr. Chen Jinghei, chairman of Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd. stated that New Normal has become one of the highest frequency word on internet and medias, which also indicated that it has become the market consensus that China had entered the new normal state. It is the current features of China’s economy.

“It is unrealistic to expect the price of mineral product to return to the track of rapid increases.” Chen said, “Instead, I think the price of mineral products in the future 3 to 5 years will fluctuate around current level, some many continue to decrease. It is possible for the price to go upside but it will never reproduce the past "golden decade".”

According to Mr. Wang jionghui, assistant president and general manager of Mineral Resources Department at China Minmetals Corporation, metal mineral industry was experiencing severe challenges. Mining industry was closely related to macroeconomic performance. As the weak economic growth of China and other emerging economies, volatility of current capital market and expected strengthening Fed rate hike, most major mining investors and companies were worried about the prospect and made a fairly pessimistic judgment about the mining market in the following 3to 5 years. Some held that along with further declining demand for minerals, the price would continue to decrease and metal industry would in face of deep-seated readjustment. Some agencies even believed that it is the harbinger of a new round economic crisis.

Experts indicated that while large mining enterprises may avoid risks by reducing costs or diversifying businesses in the following one or two years, it is inevitable for small and medium mining to experience a brutal surviving competition. Besides, it is useless and harmful to the price return of commodities to maintain high production amid a lack of evident demand recovery.

“Currently, global mining industry continues to downturn and lacks of good signs” said Mr. Si Xinbo, deputy general manager of Silk Road Fund. As the global economy slowed  down and the oil price hit a 5-year low, resulting in a continuing decline price of commodities, global mining industry is encountering the most sever challenges after 2008 economic crisis.

“With a surplus supply of mineral raw materials and processed product, minerals, mining assets and mining companies are in face of price crisis. ”Si Xinbo said bluntly,   and there wouldn’t be any turnaround in the mining industry in the short term.

According to the report released by PwC ( Pricewaterhouse Coopers), in 2014, the top 40 global mining companies had lost $15.6 billion of their market value, and their market value decreased 16% than last year.

Nevertheless, BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, Vale and other global mining giants refused to cut back production. And CVRD, one of the three iron ore giants in the world, announced that the company’s production would reach 88.2 million tons in the third quarter, hitting the highest single-season production of the company.

Mr. Kenneth Hoffman, director of Bloomberg Global Metals and Mining Research, stated that during 1980-1990, when commodity prices declined over 20%,mining companies would reduce capital expenditures and production, even reduce by 60% to 90% sometimes, to rebound commodity prices. However, the commodity price has fall into downturn for nearly 5 years currently, yet few mineral giants has taken any action except Glencore who declared to cut down production recently.

Some large companies worried that they would suffer huge loss if the commodities market rebounded when they cut down production. Some agencies attributed the no-reduce policy to diversified business. Hoffman said, most large companies choose to reduce cost on management so as to eliminate small companies that troubled by high cost.

It would undermine the market, said Hoffman, the iron ore price has fallen over 70%, from $190 in 2011 to about $44 per ton now. If the fall continues, it will be difficult for commodity market to rebound. The mineral price fall will also lead to reduces in geological prospecting investment, adding difficulties to metal exploitation in following years.

Currently, China accounted for 40% to 50% of total global demand for commodities. Delegates were still optimistic about China`s economy and its long-term market demand despite the negative impact of china’s slowdown economic on steel commodities and common metal demand. Madam PATRICIA M. MOHR, vice-president of Scotiabank and economics & commodity market specialist, pointed out that China would still be the leading power of global commodity market, which can be indicated simply from differences of the number of vehicles per 1000 people in China and other countries including the U.S. and Canada.

Is China in the new normal state a good mining investment prospect? Is global mining industry facing its “severe winter”? How long will the “severe winter” of mining industry last?

Mr. Wang Jiahua, vice standing president of China Mining Association, didn’t agree with the idea that global mining is in “severe winter”. He said that china’s economy is under reform and in a “shift period”, but it will still be the biggest supporter to global mining industry. Its demand for resources would be stable and in rapid growth.

Wang said he would prefer to compare the current period to fall, as fall is a season of harvest.“It is true that the “golden years” of mining industry when global mining companies can easily make money has gone, and now mining companies has to carry out reforms and improve productivity. But it is a bit hasty to judge that the global mining has entered “severe winter period”.” Wang noted. Instead, he believed that global mining industry is undergoing a new round of reform and transformation. Technical innovation and improving productivity would be the focuses for mining companies.

During the process, Wang said, global mining industry would be closely linked, especially the cooperation with China and it is time to establish a new mining order now. The international cooperation along the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road initiated by China would have a significant impact on global mining industry.

Mr. Wang Jingbin, president of Beijing Institute of Geology for Mineral Resources(BIGM), indicated that the current short-term overcapacity and low price of mining product were mainly affected by sluggish demand as a result of slow global economic recovery. In the long-run, the minerals would be in a fluctuated uptrend and mining industry would still have a good prospect.

At present, world’s major minerals wilted and international oil prices was in a fluctuated uptrend and showed signs of stabilization after its sharp fall in 2014. With copper, nickle and tin’s price continued to drop and lead, zinc, aluminum price was relatively stable, prices of main precious metal and bulk metal was capped nearly at average cost of global production lines. Asserious shortage of investment in resources exploration in current years and mines were cutting down production, there were few breakthrough and discoveries.

“In this case, it is reasonable that prices will pick up as a result of future resource shortages. In addition, quantitative easing carried in worldwide recently may also lead to price upswing of commodities including minerals”, Wang added.

“Currently, there are more opportunities in overseas markets as international mines shrunk heavier than domestic ones and it would easier for acquisition.” Mr. Liu Yuchuan, chairman of Beijing International Mining City, stated. Liu pointed out that it would be a rare opportunity for Chinese enterprises to invest now as international mining price reached the lowest, many international mining companies’ value plummeted and capital chain ruptured and was in urgent need of foreign investment.

Mr.Wang Side, vice president of Chinalco Resources Corporation indicated that mining companies has shrunk dramatically now, with the average decline rate of western companies in 5 years reaching 60% and China-invested at 80%. Most companies would have to sell assets when they fell in difficulties. Various signs had showed that it is a good opportunity to invest in mining and the following 2 to 3 years would be a perfect period.

However, Mr. Wang weiping, director of Sinomine Resources Exploration Co., Ltd. reminded that blind acquisitions isn’t acceptable, China’s companies should make clear of their development strategic positioning and assess whether it can adopt to overseas market on the basis of its core competitiveness before investment. Once decided to invest overseas, strategic direction and objectives should be set, Wang suggested. 

Driven by adjustments of global manufacturing pattern and a new round of manufacturing infrastructure, the following 2 to 3 years would be a new opportunity for global mining industry, but it would be unlikely to reach or exceed last peak, according to experts and scholars.( Li Ping)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises. For more information about CHINA MINING, please visit:

The basic role of public geological survey highlighted
---A review of the 1st Geological Survey Directors Forum

Source:   Citation:  Date: October 26, 2015

The Geological Survey Directors Forum was firstly been included on the agenda and became the highlights of CHINA MINING Congress & Expo 2015. The Geological Survey Directors Forum, along with the Mining Ministers Forum and the Mining Development Summit Forum, had become three high-level forums for government, public service agencies and mining companies.

Mr. Wang Yan, deputy director of China Geological Survey and the host of the forum said that amid the sluggish mining industry in recent years, the establishment of the forum highlighted the significance of basic geological survey.

Directors of Geological Survey from 10 countries and regions had introduced mining exploration and the latest information of each Geological Survey, and discussed the vision and progress of international geological cooperation under the new circumstance.

Madam Susana Gladis Vilca Achata, the President of Institute of Geology and Mineral Metallurgical (INGEMMET) of Peru, introduced the situation of Peru in the forum. He said that the Geological, Mining and Metallurgical is carrying out the mineral mapping project nationwide and updating the metallogenic map in scales of 1:50000 and 1:100000 and in different versions including Chinese, English, Spanish and so on. Besides, domestic explorations has been accomplished in important regions and chemical analyses has been made on mine samples to establish a database that is free and public to the world. According to the database, it shows that only 1% of Peru’s mineral resources has been effectively utilized and the future development of mining industry in Peru has great potential.

Mr. Kyaw Din, Deputy Director of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration Bureau of Myanmar, introduced the situation of Myanmar in the forum. He said that in Myanmar, reforms of the current mining law has accomplished and amendments has been tabled in Parliament and will soon been announced.“The new law aims to ease restrictions on investors and encourage more domestic and foreign investors to invest in mineral exploration, mining and production. It is also a good chance for foreign investors as foreign investment policy is an important part of the government’s policies in economic restructuring and development currently.” said Kyaw Din.

Mr. Tawsaporn Nuchanong, Deputy Director of Mineral Resources Bureau of Thailand, introduced the situation of Thailand in the forum. “Mineral sustainable development is on the top agenda of the government and geological mapping and fieldwork has been done to collect data and information for efficient resources management. The effort will not only boost the economy of Thailand but will also helps reduce investment risks. Meanwhile, the government is on a trial to make use of the data in tourism. A new law --Fossil Law--has been issued in order to protect a large number of fossil resources found in Thailand.” he said.

Mr. Hezareh Mjhammadreza Aliakbar, Deputy Director of Geological Survey Bureau of Iran, introduced the situation of Iran in the forum. He explained that Institutes of IUGS( International Union of Geological Sciences), CGMW (Commission for the Geological Map of the Middle East) and IGCP( International Geosciences’ Program) in Iran has made conducive cooperation with Asian countries. Iran Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration mainly engages in global map drawing, map drawing of Middle East and other regions and its projects accounted for 25% of the total CGMW projects.Currently,about190 map drawing projects affiliated with technical engineering researches, are carried out in Central Asia, Africa and Latin America, of which 48% projects are in Latin America and 38% in Central Asia.

Mr. Yousif Elsamani, Director of Sudan Geological Survey of Sudan, introduced the situation of Sudan in the forum:10 of total 170 mining companies in Sudan havestarted their production and others are in different stages of mineral exploration. Under the stable political system and policies, Sudan is updating laws and regulations, streamlining review and approval system to build a Sudan that is more transparent and equal-footed.

Mr. Yusuf Ziya Cosar, Director of Administration of Mineral Survey and Exploration of Turkey, introduced the situation of Turkey in the forum: the Mineral Research & Exploration of Turkey is in charge of mineral research and survey as well as exploitation. This year, Turkey has carried out seismic studies, coming out with three-dimensional seismic maps. Comprehensive explorations will be implemented in 2016. 

Mr. Kevin Faure, Director of Geological Resources Division, GNS Science, New Zealand, introduced the situation of New Zealand in the forum. He said that New Zealand has a history of 150 years of geological research, even longer than that of the oldest university in the country. “As a member of GNS, I think we should have a forward-looking vision to predict the development of mining industry in 30 to 50 years, not just about the following 2 or3 years. Considering the mineral resources on the land will be gradually fully developed and most territory of New Zealand are under water, we will take marine minerals as our priority in the future”, Kevin Faure noted.

Mr. J.A.DUODU, Director of Geological Survey the Bureau of Ghana, introduced the situation of Ghana in the forum. In cooperation with IUGS (International Union of Geological Sciences) and GSAf (Geological Society of Africa), Ghana had carried out exploration and surveys in major basins, hoping to provide geological information to companies that are interested in investing in Ghana. J.A.DUODU said, “We hope we can receive stronger support and help from other countries so as to provide better data and information to the world.”

Mr. RASOLOMANANA EddyH, Chief Engineer of Department of Mineral and Petroleum, Madagascar, stated that vast mineral resources have been found in Madagascar and require systematic exploration. Thus, Madagascar would sign a memorandum of cooperation with China Geological Survey and initiate the geological mapping and exploration in 2016.

Wang Yan, deputy director of China Geological Survey, indicated that China has actively carried out international cooperation in geological survey in recent years.“We have signed over 1000 memorandums of cooperation and project cooperation  agreements with other countries and exchanged our survey technologies and experience with our partners, which not only helps improve the Geological Survey of our partners but also advances the sustainable development of mining industry in China and other countries. In the future, we will continue to increase international cooperation in the field, strengthen communications and cooperation with other geological survey agencies, establish cooperation platform and to strive for successful cooperation” said Wang. (Wu Yijun)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises. For more information about CHINA MINING, please visit:

Interpretation of China Mineral Resources Report (2015)

Source:    Citation:     Date: October 24, 2015

The newly issued China Mineral Resources Report (2015) provides an outlook window for observing China’s mineral resources situation. In general, over the past year China’s prospecting breakthrough strategic action continued to advance, mineral resource base was further strengthened; the mineral resources situation is consistent with the steady growth and restructuring process; streamlining administration and delegating powers further activated the mineral resources market; economical and intensive use of mineral resources and the promotion of the ecological construction reached to a new level; and progress was made in international cooperation of geology and mineral resources after following up to the strategy of “One Belt and One Road”. 

Supply and demand of mineral resources was profoundly changed.

At present, the global economic recovery is slow, economy in China has entered into the New Normal, demand for energy mineral resources fell to a certain degree, but the situation that high external dependency of bulk mineral remain unchanged.

Over the past year, we have advanced the prospecting breakthrough strategic action, strengthened exploration efforts in oil and gas resources, the national scarce minerals and the emerging industry of minerals, and strengthened the prospecting target and effectiveness. In 2014, geological prospecting investment has maintained a higher level of 114.5 billion yuan, and newly discovered large and medium-sized mines reached 249. Important mineral resources, such as coal, oil, natural gas, shale gas, manganese, bauxite, copper, lead, zinc, gold had new batches of resources.

Taking oil and gas resources as an example, in 2014, the newly proven geological reserves of oil was 1.06 billion tons, which was the eighth consecutive year more than 1 billion tons; the newly proven geological reserves of natural gas was 943.8 billion cubic meters which was the 13th year more than 500 billion cubic meters. Notably, the newly proven geological reserves of the shale gas in 2014 was 106.8 billion cubic meters which submitted verified geological reserves for the first time after being set as a new kind of minerals in 2011. By the end of 2014, investment of the shale gas exploration had exceeded 23 billion yuan, forming a production capacity of 1.3 billion cubic meters. Shale gas development basically reached conditions of large-scale commercial development. There were experts expected that annual output of shale gas by 2020 will reach 30 billion cubic meters, accounting for about 15% of domestic natural gas. In addition, from the potential of oil and gas mineral resources, China`s potential of natural gas resource is greater than the oil. China will enter into a stage that reserves and production of natural gas grows rapidly.

In response to the rapid growth of mineral resources demand related to the new and high technology industries, survey of new energy and materials mineral achieved remarkable achievements in 2014. For example, the newly geological reserves of lithium outside Jiajika of Sichuan Province were 640,000 tons which was hyper scale, laying a resource foundation for creating the new energy industry base in western Sichuan Province.

The mineral resources situation has entered into the period of adjustment.

In 2014, in general the commodity production in China remained growed, but the growth rate apparently fell, production of raw materials related to the construction of infrastructure, such as crude steel grew slow which was highly consistent with the trend of economic transition and structural adjustment.

Although in 2014 the growth of investment in fixed assets in mining industry remained grow, the growth rate fell by 10.2%, which was the lowest during the recent 12 years. The proportion of mining investment in fixed assets for investment in fixed assets fell to 2.9%, decreasing by 0.5%. Statistically, over the past year, the mining industry has experienced the peak value and a turning point. By the end of the first half of 2015, mining fixed assets investment will be 526.05 billion yuan, falling by 7.7%. In addition to the sustaining wearying of coal industry, investment in oil and gas industry was 116.895 billion yuan, falling 6.5%, ferrous metal was 65.581 billion yuan with falling of 12.8% and non-ferrous metal was 62.892 billion yuan, falling 5.7%.

Therefore, the influence of excess capacity is still in conduction After entering the New Normal, labor pained of structure adjustment is still in the diffusion. In the foreseeable short term, this is difficult to change and mining economy are moving into the depth adjustment.

However, heat loss of mineral development has freed up space and energy for mineral resource management regulations, ecological construction and administration streamlining and power delegation. We should recognize that these aspects will continue to enhance the activity and the endogenous power of the mineral resource market.

Streamlining administration and delegating powers promote market-oriented reform of mining field.

In 2014, the mineral resources management carried out administration streamlining and power delegation, converting from administrative-oriented means to the integrated use of multiple management means, further improving the social service level in order to help with market-oriented reform, optimize the investment environment, and finally help the mining industry transformation and upgrading.

In 2014, China improved mineral resource management policies, revised the administrative regulations, such as the registration of mineral resources exploration areas, mining registration and transfer management of mineral exploration right and mining right, published Geological Environment Monitoring and Management Measures and Land and Resources Administrative Punishment Measures, and canceled 23 executive and non-executive approval matters related to mineral resources. 

Since December 1, 2014, mineral resources compensation fee rate of coal, crude oil, natural gas fell to zero in China, China implement the coal resource tax reform AD valorem duty, cleaning up the related charge fund and implementing the AD valorem duty method on rate of duty. The applicable tax rate of Crude oil and natural gas resource tax increased from 5% to 6%.

In the aspect of mining right management, we cancelled “the application of pausing to accept the new coal exploration right”, orderly delivering new coal exploration right; stopped delivering the control quota of total amount of ore mining; adjusted “management policy of pausing to accept the new rare earth mining right ”, allowing a new rare earth mineral exploration right and mining right to large rare earth enterprise groups.

The policy adjustment above will make the market play a decisive role in the allocation of resources, better give play to the role of the government, further activate the market, gather momentum for steady growth, and pave the way for restructuring in order to healthily and orderly access to economic rise in the future.

Green mining results illuminate the ecological civilization construction.

Construction of ecological civilization concerns national future, the structure of energy and resources utilization, and the economical and intensive utilization of mineral resources is continuously contribute to the construction of ecological land.

Energy structure in China continues to improve. It is reported that proportion of the total energy consumption of coal in our country in 2014 dropped to 66%, proportion of clean energy, such as hydropower, wind power, nuclear power, natural gas increased to 16.9%, basically close to the goal of "twelfth five-year" in China`s energy structure adjustment.

In 2014, China released the first comprehensive utilization evaluation standard  of mineral resources, namely Mineral Resources Comprehensive Utilization Technique Index and Its Calculation Method, released for three consecutive years a total of 20 minerals mining’s index requirements of mining recovery rate, concentration recovery rate and comprehensive utilization rate, preliminarily formed main minerals’ mineral resources saving and comprehensive utilization of the evaluation index, promoted a total of 159 advanced suitable technologies. 

The achievement of the construction of green mining was remarkable. By the end of 2014, fund used in the mine geological environment governance reached 90.18 billion yuan in China, accumulated damaged in land caused by mineral development reached 3.03 million hectares with restoring the land area of 810000 hectares which made the governance rate surpassed a quarter.

661 mining enterprises become the national green pilot units, achieving job objectives that by the end of the 12th five-year national pilot mining amounted to more than 600. Mine geological environment investigation and monitoring have also made some progress, China completed survey area of 12.5 square kilometers, surveyed more than 110000 mines, realizing a complete coverage of remote sensing monitoring in mines.

“One Belt and One Road” expanded international cooperation in mineral resources.

In 2014, around national strategies such as "One Belt And One Road", international cooperation in geological mining areas were steadily promoted.

China successfully held the 5th Mining Minister Meeting of APEC, CHINA MINING 2014 and 2014 China-Asian Mining Cooperation Forum, held China (Changsha) International Mineral Gem Expo, expanding and improving the influence and power in the international mining industry.

International cooperation provides effective support for Chinese enterprises to go out. Mineral resources cooperation between China and the United States, Argentina, Chile and Mexico was included into the overall bilateral cooperation framework. We have strengthened co-operation with the United States in development and exploration of shale gas and jointly held the Sustainable Development Forum of Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources. We have reinforced cooperation with traditional mining countries, such as Canada, Australia, Russia and South Africa, formed a series of science and technology achievements in improving the inter-ministerial dialogue and cooperation mechanism, promoting mining investment and economic and trade cooperation, and strengthening science, technological and information communication. We have expanded co-operations with the emerging economies, such as central Asia, southeast Asia, Latin America and Africa, reached cooperation intention with Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Indonesia and Poland in shale gas development and utilization, geochemical survey and geological data sharing.

We founded in 2014 China - Shanghai Cooperation Organization Geological Research Center of Ministry of Land and Resources which created an important platform for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization members to strengthen geological cooperation, newly built 6 national database, which provided service for 107 mining enterprises and the geological exploration units to cooperatively develop the geochemical mapping with 16 countries, such as Tajikistan and Mongolia.

At present, the international environment is complicated, the world economy is still in the period of deep adjustment, our economy is running smoothly in a reasonable range, but the economic downward pressure continues to increase and multiple difficulties and contradictions interwoven with each other. With the pressing situation, the government and the market main body should actively adjust the direction and layout, grasp the opportunities and challenges under the New Normal, give full play of the supportive effect to steady growth, structural adjustment, livelihood benefit. ( Qiao Siwei, Li Xiang and Cheng Xiujuan)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises. For more information about CHINA MINING, please visit:

Enthusiasm remained in “Mining Winter”
--- Showing in mining development summit forum of CHINA MINING 2015

Source:   Citation:   Date: October 23, 2015

Photo: Qiao Siwei
Foreign participants on the Mining Development Summit Forum held on the morning of October 22nd.

On the morning of October 22nd, Mr. Peng Qiming, the Chief Engineer of Land and Resources, hosted the Mining Development Summit Forum of the CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2015. This Forum was focused on discussing both domestic and international development and countermeasures of mining industry with many senior leaders of mining enterprises attended.

The overall picture: demands for improving and restructuring continues unabated

Like being struck by frosty air, markets downturn caused the prices of plenty energy and metal products dropping to a new low since the financial crisis seven years ago. Global mining were suffered from tremendous downward pressure. How should we regard it? How should we response to it ?

"To analyze the mining market based on the concept of bottom line thinking which lies in the demand of market." Mr. Ge Honglin, Chairman, Aluminum Corporation of China rejected view of the coming of" Lehman moment " and he believed the global development of mining industry remains promising owing to the continuous demands.

China would certainly remain great in demands for mineral products. The steel production was 745 million tons with an increase of 1.47% in the past eight months. The positive growth during downturn in steel prices indicated the consistent rigid demand in the product. "Low steel prices reduces the cost of related industry in the other hand, which will in turn promote the growth in market demand ," Ge Honglin pointed out. In respect of non-ferrous metals, take aluminum for example, was 13 percent up in consumption for the first three quarters with an increase of 1.85 times compared with GDP growth rate of the corresponding period. So the market still kept relatively vigorous demand.

"As far as the next spring, the key depends on the development and transformation of emerging economies dominated by China." Mr. Wang jionghui, the General Manager of Mineral Resources Department of China Minmetals Corporation pointed out that China was under going an unprecedented urbanization process with the largest scale in human history . During the implementing strategies like "One Road One Belt", the collaborative development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the Yangtze River Economic Zone, concepts like the "Internet +" , as well as the development of strategic emerging industries injected vitality to the mining industry.

For example: In recent years, the growth rate of aeronautics and astronautics equipment, as well as robots industry etc. were, on average, more than 20%. Sales of new energy vehicle grew by a hefty 200% continuously. Demands for new materials like advanced metal, permanent magnet, lithium batteries and others enlarged unceasingly."Internet +" and intelligent manufacturing created spaces for the breakthrough of traditional technology in gold industry, innovating market model and transforming and upgrading the industry." Mr. Song Xin, General Manager and Secretary-General of the CP Committee, China National Gold Group Corporation said.

Self-strengthening: striding forward the lead end of industry chain and the top of value chain

Deepening the industry chain development of mining and enhancing the additional  value of technological economy turned out to be the best approaches for mineral corporations to triumph over the challenges of the industry.

Confronting with the severe state , Aluminum Corporation of China had adjust strategy by optimizing aluminum, strengthening copper, refining rare earth, enlarging diversified services in terms of engineering technology, mineral resources, and industrial finance, which would accelerate the upgrading towards leading edge of industry chain and the top of value chain. According to Ge Honglin, the Corporation had applied distinguished policies to branches complied with national strategy in copying with the overcapacity with great determination. Through reforming and reorganizing , the company did a "subtraction" to lighten its load and stay vitality.

"We get to understand the difference between mining companies and mining industry corporations." said Mr. Weng Zhanbin, Chairman of Shandong Zhaojin Group Co., Ltd.  "Mining industry corporations should focus on no more than mining, but taking a integrated path of standardization, mechanization, automation and informatization’, accelerating overseas acquisition properly, combining industry, capital and investment together, sharping core competition, and making innovation as the driving bonus at their low ebb."

Of all the bulk of resources, the coal industry suffered the most. But "the Coal Boss" extended its business to electric power, coal chemical industry, finance and logistics, getting through the industry chain wholly with recovery ability soaring significant. As Mr. Zhang Youxi, chairman of Datong Coal Industry Corp .introduced, the Group was in the constructing of 11 efficient ten-million-ton mine with 1 thousand people each which would make a billion yuan in profit with strong competitiveness. Even in the downturn year of 2014, two ten-million-ton mine, Tashan and Tongxin had retained a total profit of 3 billion yuan. At present, the installed capacity of Datong Coal Industry was 14.01 million kilowatts which were design to make profit of 0.9 billion yuan in conversion of 17 million tons of coal. But if transported outside, it would cost billions of yuan annually for transportation expenses alone. "Experiences and achievements were made out of difficulties and pressures. Thanks to the downturn forced on market in the past rounds, we were following a road of sustainable development to adjust the structure and enhance competitiveness." Zhang Youxi added.

Mr. Peng Qiming, Chief Engineer of the Ministry of Land and Resources, concluded that some senior manager of enterprises made in-depth analysis based on long-term situation which enabled the personnel related to gain a fully understanding of the potential in domestic and international market. Fighter in the tide should be firmly convinced of the continuous healthy development of the mining industry and keen to capture the major opportunities through sober judgment. (Qiao Siwei)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2015 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on October 20th-23rd, 2015. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 17th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us. For more information about CHINA MINING 2015, please visit:

To embrace the “New Spring” of global mining
---Sidelights on CHINA MINING 2015

Source:   Citation:  Date: October 23, 2015

 (Photo: Li Zhentao)
This was the opening ceremony of the CHINA MINING 2015.

We got together in the “cold winter” of mining industry, not huddling with each other for warmth but for ushering in “new spring” hand in hand.

CHINAMINING excited the international mining sector at this very moment.Though the industry was in an overall downturn, still more than 8900 participants, over 600 companies and institutions attended. With a common belief,we would embrace the recovery and prosperity of the industry through sincere cooperation, seizing opportunities as well as sustainable innovation. Since winter comes, can spring be far behind?

Reinforcing Confidence, seizing opportunities in challenges

The forum was particularly popular in this yea. It displayed to full-houses either the main forum or sub-forum. Especially for Mining Development High-level Forum., Earth Science Cooperation Forum of Countries Along “One Belt And One Road”, and Mining Investment and Finance Forum etc., even the passage were fully packed with audience standing in the aisle or the doorway. Everyone was were anxious to listen to experts’ judgment on the present situation as well as recommendations, yearning for great opportunity among all these challenges.

Prices of major metal was continuously going down, meanwhile mining investment was dropping year by year which resulted in lacking confidence in the market. The industry was in a “cold winter”, which had reached a consensus by all from their own experiences. Since it was not the first time for the mining industry, almost every speaker harbored a common belief: we need not lose confidence while “the spring” would not be so far. As Mr. Wang Jiahua, the Executive Vice Chairman of China Mining Association pointed out that the market was, at present, in a poor state, but we should be aware of the promising prospects in a long run. Mineral resources demands would remain high in domestic market, other emerging economies could pick up the baton.

It is said that challenges and opportunities coexist. But what opportunities should mining enterprises seize? Mr. Wang Dongsheng, the general manager of the Chinalco Resources Corporation stated it was the best time to invest on preponderant mineral resources with low cost at home or abroad.

Asset value of almost all mining enterprise shrunk, state with dominant mineral resources would tend to give policy support to the industry. While related companies should voluntarily respect the laws of market as well as geology, and control the risk so as to determine the development strategies for the future. Mr. Yan Weidong, a researcher of Information Center under Ministry of land and Resources, said that along with the development of some emerging industries, such as new energy automobile and 3D printing, demand for new material like lithium, rare earth, alum and graphite would undoubtedly increase enormously while the development of non-traditional energy would lift the demand for mineral resources.

What opportunities could the strategy “One Belt And One Road” create for the development of Chinese mining industry concerned everyone most. Mr. Song Xin,  general manager of China National Gold Group Corporation, pointed out that the strategy would bring about new historical opportunities for the gold industry in China. He said that most countries along “One Belt And One Road” were emerging economies and developing countries featuring in rich gold resources accounting for 41.5% of the total reserves, robust consumer demand, and active investment. Mr. Chen Jinghe, Chairman of Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd, presented that Chinese mining enterprises would be further involved in the global market with the support of the Strategy which would be a most vital force in an new era of the mining market.

Driven by innovation, to inject vitality into the mining recovery

A huge UAV parked out of the Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center, which attracted the eyes of all participants. This independently developed UAV in China embodied the world`s first airborne-geophysical integrated measurement system aiming at medium-sized UAV in researching on geological survey and mineral exploration. In the exhibition hall of China Geological Survey exhibited China`s first self-made 4500 meters Remotely Operated Vehicle in Deep Sea -"Hippocampus", the model of China`s first Comprehensive Geological Survey Ship -- "Ocean Six", the Strap down Airborne Gravimeter, HSM Micro Imaging Spectrometer, as well as High Power and Multi-function Electromagnetic System etc..

As Mr. Jiang Daming, Minister of Land and Resources, said that innovation was not only the fundamental driving force for sustainable development, but the road leading to mining recovery. Plenty of innovation products were presented which inspired everyone.

As Mr. Zhai Gangyi, Deputy Director of Oil and Gas Survey CGS introduced that the shale gas exploration technology in China had reached the world advanced level in dessert identification, drilling, fracturing etc.. The exploration as well as utilization of this clean energy was accelerated correspondingly in China demonstrating the broad prospects for development. Mr. Zhou Shangguo, Head of Geological Exploration Dept, China Metallurgical Geology Bureau, said, through creating investigation mechanism as well as implementing package exploration theory in recent years, we made significant progress in marine sedimentary and manganese ore deposit exploration resulting in a significant increase in quantity of manganese ore resources. Mr. He Bingqing, Vice President of Chinese Academy of Land and Resources Economics, noted that the Ministry of Land and Resources carried out consistently selecting and popularization advanced technology in comprehensive utilization of mineral resources in recent years. A total of 210 advanced technology was been spread which significantly improved the comprehensive utilization of mineral resources in China.

“Internet + mining” stood out to be the highlight in the Congress this year. Mr. Jiang Jianjun, Director-General of Department of International Cooperation & Science and Technology under Ministry of Land and Resources, noted that the "Internet + mining" concept was a response to the national innovation strategy, which could contribute to thinking outside the box, promoting international exchanges and cooperation, as well as boosting the efficiency of the industry by technology. Mr. Zhang Miao, Chairman of the Qing Lan Financial Group, pointed out through the “Internet+” strategic alliance of the mining industry, it enabled us to break the barriers of the traditional structure of the industry and establish organic links among industries so as to build a sound ecological system of Chinese resources.

Cooperation of Mutual-benefit to Create the World`s Mining Community

Jiang Daming proposed in the opening ceremony of CHINA MINIG that we should comply with the world trend of open and cooperation to create a new partnership focusing on Cooperation of Mutual-benefit and the World`s Mining Community which  was unanimously endorsed. The Hon. Mr. Nii Osah Mills, Minister of Land and Natural Resources of Ghana, expressed a strong desire to strengthen cooperation with other countries in the mining ministers forum of CHINA MINING. He said "closer cooperation is the best approach for the development of the global mining and creating more opportunities to complement each other with advantages and realize mutual benefit and win-win." The Hon. Mr. Slawomir Brodziński, Ministry of Environment of Poland expressed his wishes to strengthen communication and exchanges and further cooperation between two sides in enterprise, investigations and researches.

In fact, cooperation between China and other mining partners in many countries were gradually entering blissful circumstances with increasingly more old friends. Two old friends portrait was standing at the gate of Mining in Argentina- National Investment Forum. They are Mr. Wang Min, Vice Minister of Land and Resources of China and the Hon. Mr. Jorge Omar Mayoral, Secretary of Argentina Mining under Federal Ministry of Public Investment Planning and Services of Argentina, hands holding together tightly with cordial smile. It was the 6 consecutive years for Argentina to attend CHINA MINING in Tianjin. Over the past few years, the country had made phenomenal growth in mineral production and investment, meanwhile, Canada, Australia and other major mining countries were also a frequent visitor. As H.E. Mr. Juan Carlos Capuñay, the Ambassador of Peru to China stated China is playing a leading role in the economic development of Asia and even the whole world with more opportunities.

The first session of the Geological Survey Directors Forum was successfully held. Directors from different countries shared their achievements and experience in mineral exploration and resource survey, explored methods for further cooperation in the new normal. Mr. Wang Yan, Deputy Director-General of China Geological Survey, pointed out the strengthening of cooperation in programs and personnel exchanges could effectively improve the level of geological survey to lay a solid foundation for the recovery of mining.

Sincerely cooperation and mutual tolerance was especially critical with increasing companies realizing this. Mr. Sun Lihui, Director of Liaison Department, China Chamber of Commerce of Metals Minerals & Chemicals Importers & Exporters(CCCMC), said enterprises should not only "go out", but also "integrate in" the target country. Attention should be paid to local environmental protection and social demands in an effort to establish benefit sharing mechanisms. Mr. Zhang Baozhong, the Vice General Manager of China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Overseas Business Division, said that the development of enterprises should be integrated with the local economic and social development, adhering to the principles of integration, participating and sharing, so that the community could get access to benefit from mining development. (Zhang Yan, Wang Shaoyong)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2015 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on October 20th-23rd, 2015. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 17th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us.  For more information about CHINA MINING 2015, please visit:

Mining ministers forum of CHINA MINING 2015 held in Tianjin

Source:  Citation:   Date: October 23, 2015

On the morning of October 22, the Mining Ministers Forum of CHINA MINING 2015 was held in Tianjin Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center. Heads of the Mining Department from 10 countries and regions made speeches in the area of exploring mining opportunities and future development strategy of mining industry in the world. Mr. Wang Min, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Land and Resources, PRC, chaired the forum.

Wang Min first gave a warm welcome to heads of the Mining Department of countries and regions who attended the CHINA MINING 2015. He said that countries and regions have created favorable conditions for investment and trade cooperation for the global mining company. The success of the Forum has made a response to people`s desire to expand exchanges, to deepen cooperation and confidence, and make people more aware of great potential and broad prospects for international mining cooperation.

On the Forums, The Hon. Mr. Ato Tolesa Shagi Moty, Minister of Mines of Ethiopia, The Hon. Mr. Sebhat Ephrem, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mines of Eritrea, The Hon. Mr. Andreas René Uldum, Minister of Mineral Resources and the First Prime Minister of Greenland, The Hon. Mr. Richard Cyrus, Deputy Minister of Mines and Petroleum Department of Western Australia, The Hon. Mr. Gullermo Shinno Huamani, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mines of Peru, The Hon. Mr. Ni Ossa Mills, Minister of Land and Natural Resources of Ghana, The Hon. Ms. Judith Bossé, Assistant Deputy Minister for the Earth Sciences Sector, Natural Resources of Canada , The Hon. Mr. Slawomir Brodziński, Vice Secretary of State & Chief National Geologist, Ministry of Environment of Poland, The Hon. Mr. Singer, Joint Secretary of Ministry of Mines, India, The Hon. Mr. Armando Perez Gia, Chairman, Mining Development Bank of Mexico (On Behalf of the Hon. Mr. Mario Alfonso Cantú, General Coordinator of Mining, Economy Ministry of Mexico), delivered speeches respectively about their national or regional mineral resources situation, development policies, laws and regulations and mining development and planning, which were described in detail, and expressed the strong desire to attract foreign investment to develop the mining. (Li Xiang)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2015 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on October 20th-23rd, 2015. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 17th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us.  For more information about CHINA MINING 2015, please visit:

Mr. Jiang Daming said there are a lot of growth potential in China’s mining industry

Source:  Citation:  Date: October 23, 2015

On the opening ceremony of CHINA MINING 2015, which was held a few days ago in Tianjin, Mr. Jiang Daming, the minister of Land and Resources, PRC, said that the international mining industry is still in the doldrums, and there is a long way to go for the recovery of global mining. But for China`s mining industry, what we see more are mining growth potential, opportunity and cooperation.

The current global economic recovery was weak in general; we still had to face many uncertainties. Jiang Daming mentioned that influenced by this condition, the international mining industry was still in the doldrums, mining market fluctuation increased. With weak mineral demand, mining investment and financial situation were not optimistic, and there was a long way to go for the recovery of global mining.

Jiang Daming said that under the conditions of global commodity prices down sharply and slowing growth of China’s total imports and exports, the amount of imports of Chinese commodities did not reduce. For example, oil imports in the first half year rose 3.5%, and imports of iron ore was flat, which made a positive contribution to boosting global demand and stabilizing the international bulk minerals market. In addition, China has become a net exporter of capital, and foreign investment maintained a fast growth, which was becoming an important global source of investment.

Facing the complex situation of current economic, Jiang Daming believed that more than ever, we needed the confidence and the hearts to get on the force and face the difficulties." Under the new normal, and we saw more mining development opportunities and growth potential, cooperation in space.”

Jiang Daming said this was based on several factors. First the development of mining has solid economic fundamentals. From the global perspective, it would remain a strong demand for mineral resources for a long period. As for China, the total demand for mineral resources in China`s economic development over the next 5-10 would still remain high and maintain growth, and global mining industry still faced broad prospects in the future.

Second, the coincident with the transformation and upgrade of mining development was a major opportunity. A new round of industrial revolution in today`s world was emerging. High-tech industry and strategic emerging industries developed rapidly. Some new economic growth points were taking the form rapidly. The need for new energy and new mineral materials resources grew continuously, which provided significant opportunities to expand the field of mineral exploration.

In addition, the mining industry was also facing an opening cooperation space. Jiang Daming said that mining was one of the most globalised sectors, the current tide of global cooperation provided a wide stage for the countries around the world to make use of the complementary advantages and potentials for cooperation, deepening cooperation in investment of mining and processing trade.

Under the new normal, global mining industry desperately needed a source. The most important thing was to find new momentum, building a robust, open, inclusive and the future-oriented of the new pattern of mining development in the world. Jiang Daming said the Chinese Government attached great importance to the sustainable development of mining, and was committed to deepening reform, expanding opening up, fostering development of mining power, laying a solid foundation for development for mining recovery and prosperity.

First, we should insist in cooperation and development. We should be determined to the implementation of the open mining cooperation policy to build important minerals docking coordination mechanism of supply and demand. With further mineral exploration, exploitation, processing, trade, investment and cooperation in various fields, we could promote global mining upper, middle and lower reaches of the whole industry chain development. To build "One Belt and One Road" as an opportunity to promote interoperability in the field of mining industry construction, we should strengthen the coordination and docking of national industry market, policy, standards to promoting the development of global mining integration.

In addition, we should promote the green development. Jiang Daming said ecological civilization had become the main theme of development of the world. The pursuit of coordination of resource development and environmental protection required both development and good environment.

Finally, we should promote inclusive development. Jiang Daming said that mining development was vital to people`s livelihood, and also were closely related to the interests of the people. We must focus on harmony and tolerance. We should adhere to people-orientation and carry inclusive development through to mine development process. Through building dialogue on an equal footing, benefit-sharing mechanisms and developing compensation mechanisms, we could realize the rational distribution of various stakeholders in the development of mineral resources.

Jiang Daming stressed that mining companies should bear social responsibility initiatively. When they were in the pursuit of economic objectives, they should focus on the attention and support of the local communities in environmental protection, infrastructure, employment, education, health care and other livelihood areas in order to achieve economic, social and ecological benefits of mining projects.(Jia Xingpeng)


Since first held in 1999, the scope and influence of CHINA MINING has grown rapidly year by year. As a global mining summit forum and exhibition, CHINA MINING Congress and Expo has become one of the world’s top mining events, and one of the world’s largest mining exploration, development and trading platforms, covering all aspects of the whole mining industry chain, including geological survey, exploration and development, mining rights trading, mining investment and financing, smelting and processing, mining techniques and equipment, mining services, etc. playing an active promotion role in creating exchange opportunities and enhancing mutual cooperation between domestic and foreign mining enterprises.

CHINA MINING Congress and Expo 2015 will be held at Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center in Tianjin on October 20th-23rd, 2015. We invite you to join the event and to celebrate the 17th anniversary of CHINA MINING with us.  For more information about CHINA MINING 2015, please visit:

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