Shanxi Provincial Department of Land and Resources released the news that the Office through its official website announced the history of the country's first list of the mining rights of the People's Republic of China prospectus anomalies, covering Shanxi Lu'an Huanzhuang Coal Industry Co., Ltd. and other 27 mining enterprises. In China, like the annual inspection of vehicles, mining rights holders also face an annual inspection of mining enterprises. In the past is the annual inspection of land resources department, eventually issued the "annual inspection certificate of mining enterprises." If the annual inspection pass, it means that mining rights can not continue.

On November 21, focusing on the theme of "the major theme of the 19th CPC Congress, historic changes and changes in major social conflicts," the Chinese Geological Survey held a group of theoretical study centers (enlarged) to concentrate on the theme of the 19 th CPC National Congress seminar. Zhong Zuoran, member of the party group of the Ministry of Land and Resources and secretary of the party group of China Geological Survey, presided at the meeting and made a concluding speech. Bureau deputy party secretary Wang Yan, deputy director, Bureau members, deputy director Li Jinfa attended the meeting and made a keynote speech.

Recently, the "Geological Survey of Rare Metal Deposits in Western Sichuan" undertaken by China Geological Survey Chengdu Institute of Comprehensive Utilization has made a breakthrough in prospecting in the near future. In the middle-sub-region of the Longzheng Cemetery in Daofu County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, Rubidium beryllium industry grade granite pegmatite veins, preliminary project control and resource estimation, rubidium, beryllium resources up to large-scale deposits.

Clearly to build a departmental synergy, provincial, municipal and county triple the working mechanism; the establishment of provincial green survey and green mine standard system; accelerate the construction of green mines in the relevant policy support process.

At present, DCE's iron ore futures have become one of the areas where the industry's clients in the domestic futures market are more involved. According to public figures, the number of corporate clients engaging in the trading of iron ore futures in the first 10 months of 2017 increased by 182% over 2014. "Many domestic industry clients are concerned about and participate in the iron ore futures market and their transaction scale soon surpasses Singapore's iron ore swap market." Cai Yongzheng said that the price discovery function of iron ore futures has gradually become apparent and has become the domestic iron ore Trade pricing benchmark.

This week, Brent and WTI oil prices rose 1.8% and 2.6% respectively. The sharp rise in WTI oil prices was mainly due to the closure of the Keystone crude oil pipelines in the United States and Canada due to oil spills, and the collapse of EIA crude oil inventories last week. In December, the traditional period of slightly declining US crude oil inventories, combined with OPEC's second limited production extension, was supported by most OPEC countries or continued to be limited to the end of 2018, and crude oil prices are still expected to remain at a high level in December. Resource tax law released this week to seek advice to reduce oil and gas resource tax in some cases, reducing the tax burden of three barrels of oil, and coal exploration in Shanxi required an average annual exploration within three years of investment not less than 50,000 yuan / square kilometer, substantially Exceed expectations favorable prospecting and drilling sub-sector, related to the subject of PetroChina, Sinopec, Daqing China Branch. This week ammonium chloride, butanone, styrene and butadiene prices rose 22.22%, 5.16%, 4.31%, 3.83%, PTA and xylene spreads up 12.6%, Hengyi Petrochemical and Rongsheng Petrochemical PTA production this year Will reach 6 million tons / year, the largest output in listed companies, will benefit from the impact of the spread increase.

1) The 2018 National Coal Trade Conference was held on the 21st with a number of medium and long-term contracts signed by coal suppliers and sellers. The contract volume reached 130 million tons on the first day. 2) The Bohai Rim Thermal Coal Price Index closed at 576 yuan / tonne, A decrease of 1 yuan / ton, the index fell seven consecutive, a total decrease of 10 yuan / ton; 3) Lian Weiliang, deputy director of the National Reform Commission said on November 21 at the end of this year, the number of coal mines nationwide from 2015 to 10,800 further Reduced to around 7000, the task of China's coal to capacity is expected to be completed by 2018, or may be completed ahead of schedule; 4) Shanxi Provincial Department of Land and Resources issued a "coal mining rights in the mining area within the scope of the right to apply for CBM Circular of the Ministry of Finance, and encourages coal enterprises to increase the CBM mining right in the non-overlapping area within the scope of this mining area and make full use of the coal resources of CBM to implement "coal mining integration".

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