Internationally, the momentum of global economic recovery in October continued to increase. The U.S. economy continued its upward trend. The European economy recovered strongly. Japan's economy continued its mild recovery and the relative advantages of emerging economies gradually expanded. However, the world economy is still facing three major uncertainties: the monetary easing policy needs to be adjusted, the structural problems of economic growth remain, and the rise of trade protectionism.

From 1994 to 2016, a total of 797.2 billion yuan of resource tax was levied nationwide, with an average annual increase of 14.8%. Of which, the resource tax levied in 2016 was 95.1 billion yuan. Overall, the resource tax system has been more standardized and perfect, the conditions for the enactment of laws have basically reached maturity.

ASEAN is one of China's most important strategic partners. The Chinese government and coal enterprises attach great importance to technical exchanges and cooperation with all ASEAN countries in coal and related fields. On November 9, at the China-ASEAN International Capacity Cooperation Forum 2017, Tian Hui, vice president of China Coal Industry Association and deputy director of the coal industry technical committee, said that in the future, the Chinese government will also encourage enterprises to further expand the scope of investment in ASEAN countries and Scale investment, continue to innovate ways of cooperation, enhance the level of cooperation and quality, and transform from a breakthrough in key areas to an all-round, multi-level and broad-area cooperation pattern.

Since the beginning of this year, the price of coal has soared. Coal-listed companies such as China Shenhua (601088, SH) and China Coal Energy (601898, SH) have also enjoyed gains. However, while coal-producing enterprises are running at full capacity even expanding their production capacity, the problem of potential safety problems ensues. End of the year-end and beginning of the past is easily related to the mine disaster, Jiangxi Safety Supervision Bureau November 15 a blunt notice, affected by the downturn in the coal market a few years ago, coal mine safety investment decline, combined with most of the small coal mines in the next few years will be phased out , Business owners subjectively reluctant to invest a lot of money to carry out safe production standardization.
After the mine accident occurred in the largest coal mine in Liaoning Province, many coal mine safety supervision bureaus all demanded that Lessons should be learned from Hongyang No.3 Mine and intensified its safety supervision. Among them, Shaanxi Coal Mine Safety Administration official website that is, it is necessary to conscientiously learn from the "11.11" accident Hongyang Mine 3, to prevent the coal mines in the year-end and grab the construction period, grab production.
Mine accidents at the Hongyang No.3 mine, the largest coal mine in Liaoning Province, have caused a great deal of attention by the coal monitoring bureau.
Relevant staff of Shenyang Coal Group told the Daily Economic News on the 16th that at 8:00 on the 11th after the accident, Shenshen Coal Mine, Shengyang Mine, Hongyang Mine, Cima Coal Mine, Puhe Coal Mine Five production mines were discontinued. At 4 pm on the 13th, Lin Sheng Coal Mine, Hongyang No.2 Mine and Puhe Coal Mine passed the joint inspection and acceptance inspection and recovery of production by Liaoning Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau, Liaoning Coal Authority, Liaodong Branch and Group Company. At 15:00 on the 15th, .
On the 13th, Shaanxi Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau issued a notice convening a special conference on coal mine methane prevention and control work. The circular mentions: According to the requirements of the State Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau, in order to conscientiously learn from the "11.11" accident at Hongyang No.3 Mine, the coal mine enterprises should be further urged to strengthen their efforts in gas prevention and control, strictly implement the main responsibilities of coal mine enterprises, conduct in-depth investigation and treatment of various types Hidden dangers of accidents, to eliminate illegal operations, to prevent all coal mines in the year-end grab the construction period, grab the output.
In response to the accident in Hongyang Mine, Liaoning Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau also held a special video conference on the 13th, requiring a profound lesson learned from the accident and fully aware of the current coal mine safety work harsh. It was mentioned at the meeting that during the first 9 months of this year, the situation of coal mine safety in the province maintained a steady trend. However, since October, two accidents have taken place in succession and the work safety situation in Liaoning Province is facing severe challenges. Two incidents fully exposed the current local coal mine awareness of the law is weak, the responsibility of floating mines in the mines, there are obvious on-site management loopholes and the state-owned coal mines in the case of ultra-km mining, there may be a number of issues such as the lack of awareness of the possibility of anomalous mine pressure , Reflecting that there are still major safety risks in the work safety of coal mines in Liaoning. The situation of coal mine safety in production is extremely serious.
Coal prices this year, a larger increase, significantly benefited coal enterprises. However, with the hot coal market, some safety problems have also been exposed.
On November 15, the Jiangxi Provincial Safety Supervision Bureau issued a circular stating that it is necessary to learn from the lessons learned from the accident at Hongyang No.3 Mine and attach great importance to coal mine safety work at the beginning of the year.
According to the circular, due to the downturn in the coal market a few years ago, coal mine safety inputs have dropped. In addition, most small coal mines will be phased out in the next few years. As a result, owners of enterprises are reluctant to invest a large amount of funds to standardize their work safety and mine safety production standardization Landslide construction, increasing the danger sources and hidden dangers, which is also the main reason for the frequent occurrence of zero-break knock-outs in coal mines in the province.

November 19, according to the Xinhua News Agency reported that Shanxi coal mine production will further promote the "mechanization of substitution, automation and reduction" policy, the mine did not diminish, strictly implement the "no reduction in production" mechanism. Do not diminish the mine on the people, by reducing production capacity by reducing head, reduce surface, reduce people.

The exploitation resources of marine shale gas in southern China account for about 87% of the total recoverable resources of marine marine shale gas. The prospect of shale gas exploitation in the south is vast. If the obstacles are overcome, it will inevitably bring new Motivation. The participating experts believe that we should open up new areas of gas in the south of our country as soon as possible, strengthen basic research and technological breakthroughs, and strive to achieve the annual output target of 30 billion cubic meters by 2020.

Wang Xianzheng, president of China Association of Coal Industry, said on the 21st that at present, the excess coal in China is still the main contradiction. However, as the capacity-building work progresses, the problems of structural shortage and regional and time-limited supply will become more and more prominent .
Wang Xianzheng made the above statement at the "2018 National Coal Trade Fair" opening on the same day.
"The distribution of coal resources is increasingly concentrated in a few areas such as Shanxi, Shannxi and Ningxia, and the problem of overcapacity of coal in China and insufficient supply of coal in some regions is becoming more obvious." Wang Xianzheng said that in line with the changes in the layout of coal resources development and in-depth study of coal Railway transport corridors, UHV transmission and the reasonable radius of coal sales.
According to reports, the first half of this year, mainly to large-scale modern coal mines in Shanxi, Shaanxi and Ningxia accounted for more than 70% of the country's total output. The concentration of the entire industry is getting higher and higher, with the output of 14 large-scale coal enterprises nationwide accounting for about 94% of the national total.
Wang Xianzheng pointed out that the next step should be in-depth study of varieties of coal resources, market structure and regional supply security issues; while improving the allocation of coal resources market economy, reliability and emergency support capabilities.
"The coal industry has already completed nearly 50% of its total capacity-to-completion, but it is more and more difficult for workers to relocate. There is not enough supporting funds and there are few public welfare places provided by local governments. The policies on disposal of assets and debts to productive coal mines are still unclear. Clearly, most corporate loans are repayable by corporate loans, corporate debt is more and more heavy, business risk increases. "Wang Xianzheng said.
He emphasized that it is necessary to study in depth the issues of resettlement methods, methods and employment channels for workers in de-capacity coal mines, and in particular, attach great importance to the protection of subsistence for groups with special difficulties and maintain the stability of the mines. The ideas of corporate assets and debt disposal should also be studied in light of the actual conditions of the enterprises And specific measures to dispose corporate debts in accordance with laws and regulations through various channels.

"2018 National Coal Trade Fair" 21 to 23 held in Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province. This year's fair attracted more than one department and hundreds of enterprises and institutions to attend and the number of participants reached a record high.

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