A recent report released by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) warned that overcapacity outside China is affecting the recovery of the global steel industry. International observers believe that overcapacity in steel and other industries is a global issue. In the past two years, China reduced its production capacity and helped the world's steel and other industries recover from the downturn caused by overcapacity. In the future, all countries should continue to strengthen communication and cooperation so that they can collectively cope with the challenge of overcapacity .

Power interconnection is the most pressing issue in the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area and also the area with the greatest market potential. In response to the adjustment of the global economic structure, China and ASEAN countries can go through six major efforts to strengthen the connection between power and electricity Close cooperation.

According to Xu Xiaodong, an expert who studies China-ASEAN Free Trade Area and Silk Road Research Institute of Guangxi Normal University all year long, Chinese power companies are forming a good posture of "full industrial chain" docking ASEAN electricity demand through the layout of "One Belt and One Road" Concentrated in the following areas:

1.3 million kilowatts of supercritical thermal power generating units, 77 kilowatts hydro-generating units, 300,000 kilowatts of pumped storage units, AC1000 kV transformers, DC800 kilovolt smoothing reactors ... ... Power experts interviewed by reporters interviewed these electrical equipment The production capacity and product quality, said China's power industry technology has been in a leading position in the world.

Recently, Zhejiang Province, the third round of mineral resources master plan database through the Ministry of Land and Resources Information Center review, the completion of the transfer, becoming the first successful completion of the transfer of provincial-level unified mineral resources master plan database.

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission promulgated the "Notice on Promoting the Signing and Performing of Medium and Long-Term Coal in 2018". The Circular states that signing long-term contracts is not only an important basis for establishing a long-term, stable, honest and efficient cooperative relationship between coal supply and demand parties, but also a concrete manifestation of giving full play to the decisive role played by the market in allocating resources and giving better play to the role of the government.

China decided to implement the expansion of water resources in nine provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Henan, Shandong, Sichuan, Shaanxi and Ningxia from December 1 this year on the basis of the pilot reform of water resources tax in Hebei Province Tax reform pilot.

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