It is reported that the oil sludge generated in the process of oil exploration and production and processing is one of the major pollutants produced by the petroleum and petrochemical industries. HIT's research and development of sewage sludge treatment technology, the use of cavitation, sponge effect, through the multi-scale optimization of time and space to achieve efficient separation of oil and mud. After treatment, the solid oil content is less than 1%, which has the characteristics of high sludge disposal efficiency, safety and environmental protection.

"Global oil and gas trade is experiencing profound changes with new features and new trends." At the 6th China International Petroleum Trade Conference held in Shanghai on the 23rd (hereinafter referred to as the "General Assembly" and the abbreviation "CIOGTC"), many participants Insiders emphasize this view from different angles. The promotion of "One Belt and One Road" energy cooperation and the maintenance of global market stability have become the unanimous voice of all participants.

Up to now, the central enterprises reform has made progress. According to statistics from the Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce, 53 applications for registration of name of central SOEs in Beijing have been approved. Three first-tier central SOEs (China Guodian Corporation, China National Offshore Oil Corporation and China National Grain Reserves Management Corporation) and 59 Central SOEs The company has obtained the business license after the restructuring is completed.

According to the introduction of Yunnan Coal Mine Supervisory Bureau, in recent years, the laws, regulations, rules and standards for coal mine production have been perfected with each passing day. The safety foundation, responsibility implementation and management level of coal mines in Yunnan Province are still generally weak. Problems such as how to implement the coal mine safety management system are in urgent need of solution. 

In recent years, China's green building materials industry has been rapid development, has shown a smart, high-end, green development trend. Insiders said that at present, China's green building materials industry significantly accelerated. Building materials industry has the unique advantages of kiln and solid waste ability to absorb the characteristics of expanding environmental protection and recycling industries, building a coupled development of industrial chain, help to promote the building materials industry from production to service-oriented production, and guide the building materials Enterprises from a single building materials production suppliers to the building materials system supply service providers, eco-public product contractors, recycling economy construction and development of industrial chain and regional economic transformation of the characteristics of investment.

The global mining index picked up its growth rate and entered a slow recovery phase, releasing its mining vitality gradually. The global mining industry is showing signs of recovery from 2016. After more than a year of adjustment, the global mining industry has not only overall out of the downturn of 2013-2015, but also continues the momentum of the 2016 recovery. In addition, the significant increase in global drilling activity indicates that there is a clear sign of recovery in mining activities.

Opening in Beijing, the forum, with the theme of "Cross-industry Partnership to Promote Belt and Road Mining International Capacity Cooperation", aims to build a platform for cooperation between mining and other industries.

According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on 27 November, from January to October 2017, profits of industrial enterprises above designated size in the country increased by 23.3% over the same period of last year, accelerating 0.5 percentage points from January to September and up 24.4% from January to April. High point again after the year. In addition, profit in October increased by 25.1% over the same period of last year. Although the growth rate slowed by 2.6% over September, it is still a relatively high monthly growth rate this year.

According to a report released by the OECD Steel Council, the global steelmaking capacity in the first half of 2017 was 2.36 billion tons, down slightly by 0.6% from 2.37 billion tons in the same period of 2016. Among them, the Middle East, South America, with the exception of the European Union and other European countries, steel production increased significantly. The steel council chairman Lisen Toptone said: "Excess capacity is alarmingly high."

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